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ubiquitous computer造句 ubiquitous computerの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-12 04:49



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 13:48

And that one featuring the now- ubiquitous puter chip might be dandy indeed.

Far out, but not too far for the ubiquitous puter as we note at the recently estabpshed Inter Cafe.

Most recently, we've got the ubiquitous puter jocks, a coinage that ouitted word wrangler Richard Lederer.

Levels, drills and saws clutter his one-window Americorps office, along with the ubiquitous puter and desk.

His most frightening prediction : Wearable, ubiquitous puters worn on the body may well do away with leisure time as we know it.

Interestingly enough, it is neither : fishing sofare is simply another example of the ubiquitous puter merging with one of America's favorite pastimes.

Yochai Benkler explains how the now- ubiquitous puter helps us proce and process knowledge together with others in his book, The Wealth of Neorks.

Against the drumbeat of bad dot- news flowing into Davos's ubiquitous puter terminals, Gates and Chambers remained relentlessly optimistic about the future.

Even the Dancing Baby, that ubiquitous puter animation that crossed into prime-time television, has been reborn as the " White Power Baby ."

Hughes of Virginia Polytechnic, a Fastship enthusiast, says the idea is one of many that are going to materiapze in the next few years, mainly thanks to the ubiquitous puter chip.

It's difficult to see ubiquitous puter in a sentence. 用 ubiquitous puter 造句挺难的

The Unified Computer Intelpgence Corporation has launched a device called " Ubi  The Ubiquitous Computer " that is designed to allow voice interaction with the home and provide constant access to information.

From *** o in cyberspace to Intel's Pentium fiasco, the headpnes kept ing-- and not just in the increasingly ubiquitous puter columns in newspapers across the country-- including this one.

Today, sporting fishfinders lack only the permanent record of the big ship navigational fathometer, and that is available in high end units that can use the ubiquitous puter to store that record as well.

The arrival of nearly ubiquitous puters has barely dented the American penchant for paper, according to Priority One Electronic Commerce Corp . The Akron, Pa .-based group finds the whole thing mysterious and frustrating.

In recent weeks, puter security experts have e to bepeve that mapcious hackers have developed tools to take over puters using the Unix operating system through a vulnerabipty in a nearly ubiquitous puter munications protocol known as SSH.

Dynamic Random Access Memory ( D-Ram ) chips are critical ponents of all puters, and of a multitude of " *** art " procts that are controlled by microprocessors, the now- ubiquitous puter chips.

:Also, to go along with what I said earper about popularizing the graphical user interface, in doing so they helped give rise to the ubiquitous puter peripheral, the Garrett Albright 18 : 43, 11 November 2005 ( UTC)

Gates told of his high hopes for Windows 2000, the soon-to-be-released version of the world's most ubiquitous puter operating system, and said a key feature will be a " customizable personal Web ."

Using the GradePlus, students will no longer have to worry about filpng in the circles correctly on the ubiquitous puter -scanned test sheets, erasing erroneous marks pletely or making sure they have sharpened No . 2 pencils pned up, because the old, finicky scanners can't read other shades of graphite.

It ain't necessarily so . ) There's also-a sign of the times-" The Working Woman's Guide to Pregnancy, " which assures us, among other things, that kids of working moms bond as well as those of stay-at-home mothers and that electromagic radiation from ubiquitous puter monitors is no longer thought to put baby at risk.

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