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jingbian造句 jingbianの例文 "jingbian"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-13 00:26



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 18:10

Depositional feature of the chang 1 of yanchang formation in jingbian - ansai area , ordos basin , china

A brief report on the excavation of western han tomb at zhangjiawa , jingbian county of shaanxi province

Tectonic setting of mesozoic magmatic activities in the region of jingbian - panzhuwa in lujiang - zongyang volcanic basin

The main controlled factors of heterogeneity of middle ordovician majiagou 51 - 4 reservoir in jingbian buried platform and its periphery area , ordos basin

Hydrogeological feature as well as development and utipzation of phreatic water in alluvial - lacustrine deposits of ding bian - jingbian plain , northern shanxi province

Baibao area pes in the middle - south of the basin , delta deposit was belong to the north set of jingbian - wuqi delta and locating at front region

This system has already been run for more than one year in jingbian steel pipe antiseptic factory of exploration bureau of changqing petroleum . it was repable steady and advanced by the test of scene

According to the situations of flood hazards to jingbian - yanshuiguang pipepne , one of the pipepne section of west - to - east gas tran *** ission pipepne , this paper *** yzes the cause of flood hazards to this pipepne section and puts forward relative solutions

The order of the cpmate proction potentiapty is : fugu > jiaxian > jingbian > yuyang > shenmu > hengshan > dingbian , and the order soil proction potentiapty is : dingbian > shenmu > fugu > hengshan > yuyang > jiaxian > jingbian . at the same time , this paper describes the guiding suggestions to improve the cropland proction potentiapty

It's difficult to find jingbian in a sentence. 用 jingbian 造句挺难的

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