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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 13:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 22:43

Cool (A-Trak Remix) (A-Trak Remix) - Alesso , Roy English

I saw stars on the pavement

California dreams

Looked up through the bright lights

No skies that I see

You said it's all yours if you take it there
I said I can't do it alone I swear
You said it's all yours
It's all yours when you smile
It's only you

Loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool
But I can't keep cool about it
Acted like a fool
Ought to scream in front of you
I‘m trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

Before you I was always lost

Drifting at sea

You were the beacon I'd followed home

You were the one that rescued me

You said it's all yours if you take it there
I said I can't do it alone I swear
You said it's all yours
It's all yours when you smile
It's only you
Loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it
Acted like a fool
Ought to scream in front of you
I'm trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

I can't keep cool about it
About it

I can't keep cool about it about it

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 22:43

Cool (A-Trak Remix) (A-Trak Remix) - Alesso , Roy English

I saw stars on the pavement

California dreams

Looked up through the bright lights

No skies that I see

You said it's all yours if you take it there
I said I can't do it alone I swear
You said it's all yours
It's all yours when you smile
It's only you

Loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool
But I can't keep cool about it
Acted like a fool
Ought to scream in front of you
I‘m trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

Before you I was always lost

Drifting at sea

You were the beacon I'd followed home

You were the one that rescued me

You said it's all yours if you take it there
I said I can't do it alone I swear
You said it's all yours
It's all yours when you smile
It's only you
Loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it
Acted like a fool
Ought to scream in front of you
I'm trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

I can't keep cool about it
About it

I can't keep cool about it about it

Cool (A-Trak Remix) (A-Trak Remix) - Alesso , Roy English I saw stars on the pavement California dreams Looked up through the bright lights No skies that I see You said it's all yours if you take it there I said I can't do it alone I swear You said it's all ...

求一首英文歌,歌词大概是这样的 。喔咦喔阿阿 巾巾 哇啦哇啦 奔奔_百度...

Witch Doctor (Radio Mix)-Cartoons


是不是阿木的《I LOVE YOU》

求一首个英文歌。曲风R&B。最近狠火的。 歌词大概就是 八嘎呀路 八嘎...

歌名叫 SB鬼子

...MELODY!高潮都是这样的哼唱,歌词大概这样 拜托大

是不是yesterday once more?

有首英文歌诗这样唱的(哎比吐,哎比什么的,)后来就唱好像是啊 啊啊啊...

64. cinderella太鄙视SHE的媚日情节,所以只好听英文版的这首半糖主义,不过发现比她们唱的好听一百倍!!!65. the sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗西蒙的代表...我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人喜欢听这歌的。66. should it matter--sissel kyrkjeb我喜欢这个低调又华美...


《甩葱歌》,日本的,初音未来 唱的,初音未来指的是CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA以Yamaha的VOCALOID 2语音合成引擎为基础开发贩售的虚拟女性歌手软件角色主唱系列的第一作;亦可指该音乐软件的拟人化产物,是此软件的角色,也衍生出动漫和游戏人物。

有一首英文歌,女的唱的,歌词大概有‘啊啦丝蕾’ 。纯音译。节奏快,类似...

- Just About Enough I Could Be The One,donna Lewis


是不是camila cabello的 《Havana》?歌词里有很多重复的Oh nananananana~

求一首英文歌,又有点像俄语歌,歌词大概是(di ma lou ,di ma lou he...

这首歌,一直被众多网友误解为“德国党卫军第一装甲师战歌”《SS闪电部队在前进》。其实,这首歌名为The Mass(弥撒),作者是一个叫Era的乐队。Era,英文原意为“时代、世纪”,有人翻译为“创世纪”,是一个风格与Gregorian(格林高利合唱团)接近的音乐团体,其灵魂人物是法国音乐家Eric Levi。The...

有一首歌的歌词是 最伟大的100首英文歌曲 十首最好听的英文歌曲 必听的20首经典英文歌 一听就耳熟的英文歌 好听的英文歌 英文歌词 英文歌曲经典100首 二大神全套歌词
...现在说的最多一句话就是不想解释了让我相信他 我问他什么的说不想... 猫妈妈买回的是什么? 公务员考试中要求的“2009年应届毕业生”怎么界定? 165身高女生标准体重 投诉家里养了很臭的鸡鸭怕 No.93 希望皇霍普·真皇的卡片信息 邻居在我家边上养了好多鸡,夏天气味很臭,严重影响我的生活 手上总起小水泡怎么回事 ...问我,你为什么选择我们公司??你有什么优势可以让我们录用你?_百度... 艾滋病患者舌头发白怎么回事 KND数控系统有哪几种型号? 手机参数如何对比? 他们男的经常说的撸啊撸是什么意思 公允价值可靠性差的案例,历史成本计量可靠性强的案例,历史成本计量客观性,可验证性强的案例? DN250 PN11是什么意思 工程事故案例分析 求四次函数的最值 鲁啊鲁是什么意思 啊鲁吧是什么意思啊 K0TDAR是什么数字平台? spss可靠性分析时个案数为零 t等于多少k 什么叫"啊鲁吧" 简述和分析可靠性的定义 kt等于多少电子伏特 可靠性设计的分析 零级反应是什么反应? 可靠性试验的目的以及分类都有那些? 室温下,电子能量k0T=0.026eV是怎么算的?我知道玻耳兹曼常数是多少,但直接算也算不出这个结果来啊! spss可靠性分析出现警告“用于分析的个案太少” 经常自己鲁啊鲁,会不会得病 我给兔兔起名鲁啊鲁啊怎么样? 0.3kg等于多少k0.86m平方等于多少dm平方2.63 km等于多少m3.7t等于多少kg? 招投标案例分析123 我竟然发现同事在鲁啊鲁 这个是怎么实现的? 可靠性试验按试验场所分有哪几类试验? 鲁啊鲁从哪里看自己多少级 三菱PLC TO K0 K0 K4M300 K6是什么意思 ko是啥意思 如何用一句话来描述你的高中生活? 逻辑学中为什么通过多个事例得出的结论的可靠性很低而单个事例可能性很高? 玩鲁啊鲁我喷了一屏幕的血 英文歌两个男的唱 歌词大概是啊鲁啊咧咯 啊鲁啊咧啦 可靠性试验的具体内容 困惑的人 福永鲁啊鲁那里找 三菱指令(-+Z0+K7+)—|+|—(MOV+K0+Z0)的意思 苹果12参数对比 鲁啊鲁蔚和贾克斯那个单挑更有优势呢 那个团战更好呢