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月饼的英文简介 请给我一份关于月饼的简介要英文版的,

发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-04 04:45



热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 21:05

  Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are the traditional food,moon cakes are round,symbolizing the reunion,and reflects the people's aspiration for family reunion.Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes began in the Yuan Dynasty legend.At that time,the Central Plains the majority of the people unbearable cruelty of the Yuan dynasty ruling class rule,one after another uprising against Yuan.Zhu Yuanzhang United prepare various opposition forces uprising.Liu Bowen division would come up with one trick,put the command under the possession of "15 nights in August Uprising" pancake into possession of a piece of paper inside,and then sent separately sent to various parts of the military uprising,to inform them at evening August 15 Uprising response.To the uprising of the day in response to various Yijun together,such as星火燎原rebelde.
  The news of the emperor happy Chuan quickly under the oral instructions,in the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival,so that all the officers and men of the public with music,and then raised an army to the secret transmission of information when the "moon cakes" Since then,the "moon" the proction of more sophisticated,more varieties,such as the larger disk,becoming Jiapin gifts.After the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes in the civil spread to.Some places also formed a special Mid-Autumn Festival a lot of practices.In addition to the full moon,festival month,moon cakes,there are Fire Dragon Dance in Hong Kong,Anhui heap pagoda,Canton Mid-Autumn trees,burning Jinjiang Tower Aberdeen,Xuzhou string look on Shek Wu and Dai's worship,the Hmong on the hop ,Dong Moon of stealing food,the occasional ball Gaoshan dance.English spelling for:mooncake (moon cake).
  Later,the emperor was finally put to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty and became the first emperor of the Ming dynasty,although the subsequent occupation of the Qing Dynasty China,but people still celebrate this symbol of the overthrow of alien domination holiday.
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