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Tlc的《Girl Talk》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 14:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:53

歌曲名:Girl Talk
专辑:Now & Forever:The Hits

you see i had this brother who was mad at me
cuz i told my home girl that he wasn't packin'
told the truth so i really don't give a damn
that i spilled the beans on his little short stem man (oh)
some of y'all be foolin' us
big feet big hands just plain big
the sex ain't worth a damn
we women wanna know these things
if y'all got the bat but not the swang
put in work
if you don't want the girl to talk
and you don't want your feelings hurt
put in work
cause if you don't
that girl's just gon' go spreadin' the word
girls talkin' got ya all caught out there
why you thinkin' that it's all about ya
forget she told me everything about ya
but the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talk about the booty too
about the way a brother is hangin' too
when you didn't think that nobody knew
you see the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
listen y'all need to know this
that we'll straight up go tell your business
so if you're gonna come you better come with it
if you ain't swingin' just put your tongue in it (oh)
some of y'all be killin me
thinkin' you got powers like austin
but you're more like mini-me
and when you finally get your blood flowin'
it be lookin' like a pinky with a glove on it
put in work
if you don't want the girl to talk
and you don't want your feelings hurt
put in work
cause if you don't
that girl's just gon' go spreadin' the word
girls talkin' got ya all caught out there
why you thinkin' that it's all about ya
forget she told me everything about ya
but the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talk about the booty too
about the way a brother is hangin' too
when you didn't think that nobody knew
you see the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
what up papi
you think you got game?
(well holla at me)
i know you're feelin' like my sexual tame
can make ya happy
you'll remember me
left eye - tlc
you got to lick it before you stick it
and that's just me
i be killin' 'em with the gucci fits and kicks
and you be hurtin' my ears with them lines so swift
you get a new approach
you're game's a joke
co-signin' from the sidelines tryin' to poke
i'm bigger than that
you're small talk face the fact
you wanna rock the boat a little
well earn your pass
and it's the last call for alcohol
meet at the bar
me and my girls doin' it big
we pop stars (yeah)
girls talkin' got ya all caught out there
why you thinkin' that it's all about ya
forget she told me everything about ya
but the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talk about the booty too
about the way a brother is hangin' too
when you didn't think that nobody knew
you see the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talkin' got ya all caught out there
why you thinkin' that it's all about ya
forget she told me everything about ya
but the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talk about the booty too
about the way a brother is hangin' too
when you didn't think that nobody knew
you see the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talkin' got ya all caught out there
why you thinkin' that it's all about ya
forget she told me everything about ya
but the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'
girls talk about the booty too
about the way a brother is hangin' too
when you didn't think that nobody knew
you see the girls are talkin'
the girls are talkin'

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