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一首英文歌,男生声音很清澈。歌词是take for ever guide here 。出现在一年

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 13:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 20:17

Here It Comes Again - Melanie c
Hey, don't you worry

Everything's alright you know
We're gonna be just fine

If the rain crashes down over you

I will love you dry

There is nobody in this world
could ever take me away from you

I am always by your side
If you need someone to guide
you dear I'd like to try

Don't give up something
you've never had before
Never could but we would together

I promise you this
You're the one I adore
Here we comes again

Filling my soul
never want to let go
Here we comes again

Be at one with your love
as below so above

Here we comes again
My love is flowing freer
than a waterfall
Beyond the edge of time

Surrender to the emotion

now we can fly
We can fly

And you know there's a reason
That we are who we are
who we are

I can not resist
You're the one I adore
Here we comes again

Filling my soul,
never want to let go
Here we comes again

Be at one with your love
as below so above

Here we comes again

Just like there's always gonna be
A place for you and me
A ship that we can sail on
Just like if one and one were three
And everything was free
At the end of some rainbow

Just like a needle and a gun
A circle in a sun
And a knock upon a hidden door
It is you I adore
Here we comes again

Filling my soul
never want to let go
Here we comes again

Be at one with your love
as below so above
Feel it coming again

Filling my soul
never want to let go
Here we comes again
Yeah yeah

Be at one with your love
as below so above

Yeah yeah
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