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求翻译《那些年》经典台词 (有难度)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 01:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 07:35

We got inundated by a flood of tide known as youth.

As it subsided, we found ourselves sitting on the beach - soaking wet and watching the girl we liked most waving forcefully while stepping happily towards the other end of her life.

Those beautiful footprints of hers on the beach will be washed away by the next wave ashore.

However, we are still here.

And so will be the look of the girl imprinted in our memories and remained in our hearts.

Ambitious we shall remain, and cheerful our laughters will still be, just like before.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 07:35

Once we were lost in the tide of youth.

While falling tide, we sat on the beach inall wet.

The girl we loved so much, was waving herhands, stepping happily towards her own future.

The tide is coming again. We know it would be gone, the girl's sweet footprint left on the beach.

Yet we stay, so is the girl in our minds.

Our passion never die, while whispering is our smile back to the old days.
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