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跪求the giving tree 音乐背景~ 最好就是纯音乐的,因为我们英语课每一小组要办个小品..

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-21 12:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:16

The Giving Tree

  Once there was a giving tree
  Who loved a little boy
  And everyday the boy would come to play
  Swinging from her branches
  Sleeping in her shades
  Laughing all the summer hours away
  And so they loved, and oh the tree was happy
  Oh, the tree was glad
  But soon the boy grew older
  And one day he came and said
  Can you give me some money, tree
  To buy some things I've found
  I have no money, said the tree
  Just apples, twigs and leaves
  But you can take my apples, boy
  And sell them in the town
  And so he did, and oh the tree was happy
  Oh, the tree was glad
  Soon again the boy came back
  And he said to the tree, I'm now a man
  And I must have a house that's all my own
  I can't give you a house, said the tree
  The forest is my home
  But you may cut my branches off
  And build yourself a home
  And so he did, and oh the tree was happy
  Oh, the tree was glad
  And time went by and the boy came back
  With sadness in his eyes
  My life has turned so cold, he said
  And I need sunny days
  I'm nothing buy my trunk, she said
  But you may cut it down
  And build yourself a boat and sail away
  And so he did, and oh the tree was happy
  Oh, the tree was glad
  And after years, the boy came back
  From both ends of the world
  I really cannot help you
  If you ask another gift
  I'm nothing but an old stump now
  I'm sorry, boy, she said
  I'm sorry, but I've nothing more to give
  I don't need very much now
  Just a quiet place to rest
  The boy, he whispered with a weary smile
  Well, said the tree, an old stump is still as good for that
  Come, boy, she said, sit down
  Sit down and rest awhile
  And so he did, and oh the tree was happy
  Oh, the tree was glad

【一棵奉献树(The Giving Tree)MP3下载链接】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 03:16

Danny Wright的Missing。最符合!
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