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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-21 06:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:34


As a new employee admitted into the company since May, I have persistently tried to adapt and get involved into the new working environment. In these few months, I have full-heartedly contributed to software development and maintenance. I have always promptly completed my work and I enjoyed communicating with my co-workers who have always been willing to share and exchange ideas and solutions generously.

Through my consistent hard work and practices, I graally became familiar with various requirements regarding techniques at work. Moreover, I gained a deeper understanding on the unique structure of the company as well as necessary jargons. I put in a lot of effort in accumulating experiences and compiling useful information shared by my colleagues, which I believe would be greatly helpful in my future endeavor.

In the future, I hope to be more extensively exposed to software innovation technology, while obtaining a clearer perspective on my job scope. Finally, I hope to improve my English skills, especially the oral ability in days to come.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:34

As in May this year new entry staff, I from entry first day began to adapt and into the new work environment. In just a few months that whether development or maintenance missions, I devoted, completed on time and qualified. And keep good communication with colleague, meet other exchange ideas and common problems to solve.

I through efforts to study and work in practice, graally familiar and master the job needs many kinds of technology, and our company's unique frame and various specialized terms have a level of understanding. In the work had accumulated some experience, and write down seriously each colleague share out the message, I think these all can in future more arous task to help to me.

Outlook for the future is in software development techniques on a wider and deeper dabbling in business, more clearly, at the same time must be strengthened English especially oral English skills.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:35

Being a new staff since May, I have eagerly adapt and immerse in the new working environment. Within the few months, I have done my best and within the required time frame, to develop or maintain the required responsibilities give to me. I have also kept a good communication channel with my colleagues to address any issues through exchange of ideas or solving the problems together.

I have learned diligently and through practical hands on sessions, I have graally grasp all kinds of skills required in the jobs. I have obtained a good understanding of our company;s unique framework and technical terms. From my experience, I have made notes of the experience shared by my fellow workers and I believe these will help me in times to come when I have to tackle more difficult challenges.
For future development of software and the associated technology, it is essential to improve my English and especially oral communication, in order to have a broader and deeper understanding of the technical development and understanding of the business operation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:35

May of this year's new recruits, I began the first day of entry and integration efforts to adapt to new working environment which. In just a few months, whether the development or maintenance tasks, I have worked hard to complete on time and according to quality. And maintain good communication with colleagues, to exchange ideas encountered problems, common solutions.
I'm through the effort of study and work practices, become familiar with and master the necessary technical work and the company's unique framework and terminology has been a certain degree of understanding. Accumulated some work experience, and carefully note the information out of each to share, I think they are able to more difficult task in the future to help to me.
Vision for the future is in software development technologies studied under broader and deeper, clearer business, also need to greatly enhance the English language, especially English speaking capacity.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:34


As a new employee admitted into the company since May, I have persistently tried to adapt and get involved into the new working environment. In these few months, I have full-heartedly contributed to software development and maintenance. I have always promptly completed my work and I enjoyed communicating with my co-workers who have always been willing to share and exchange ideas and solutions generously.

Through my consistent hard work and practices, I graally became familiar with various requirements regarding techniques at work. Moreover, I gained a deeper understanding on the unique structure of the company as well as necessary jargons. I put in a lot of effort in accumulating experiences and compiling useful information shared by my colleagues, which I believe would be greatly helpful in my future endeavor.

In the future, I hope to be more extensively exposed to software innovation technology, while obtaining a clearer perspective on my job scope. Finally, I hope to improve my English skills, especially the oral ability in days to come.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:34

As in May this year new entry staff, I from entry first day began to adapt and into the new work environment. In just a few months that whether development or maintenance missions, I devoted, completed on time and qualified. And keep good communication with colleague, meet other exchange ideas and common problems to solve.

I through efforts to study and work in practice, graally familiar and master the job needs many kinds of technology, and our company's unique frame and various specialized terms have a level of understanding. In the work had accumulated some experience, and write down seriously each colleague share out the message, I think these all can in future more arous task to help to me.

Outlook for the future is in software development techniques on a wider and deeper dabbling in business, more clearly, at the same time must be strengthened English especially oral English skills.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:35

Being a new staff since May, I have eagerly adapt and immerse in the new working environment. Within the few months, I have done my best and within the required time frame, to develop or maintain the required responsibilities give to me. I have also kept a good communication channel with my colleagues to address any issues through exchange of ideas or solving the problems together.

I have learned diligently and through practical hands on sessions, I have graally grasp all kinds of skills required in the jobs. I have obtained a good understanding of our company;s unique framework and technical terms. From my experience, I have made notes of the experience shared by my fellow workers and I believe these will help me in times to come when I have to tackle more difficult challenges.
For future development of software and the associated technology, it is essential to improve my English and especially oral communication, in order to have a broader and deeper understanding of the technical development and understanding of the business operation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 15:36

May of this year's new recruits, I began the first day of entry and integration efforts to adapt to new working environment which. In just a few months, whether the development or maintenance tasks, I have worked hard to complete on time and according to quality. And maintain good communication with colleagues, to exchange ideas encountered problems, common solutions.
I'm through the effort of study and work practices, become familiar with and master the necessary technical work and the company's unique framework and terminology has been a certain degree of understanding. Accumulated some work experience, and carefully note the information out of each to share, I think they are able to more difficult task in the future to help to me.
Vision for the future is in software development technologies studied under broader and deeper, clearer business, also need to greatly enhance the English language, especially English speaking capacity.
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