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东京食尸鬼第二季插曲 山田豊 alone歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-03 10:00



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 13:31

In the morning sun when I look around
I have done so far, but beneath my soul
Sing a song awhile and I'll be calm again
When I'm feeling down, I would count the stars
Up above all I see is you, dream of you
Someday you'll come back?
Raindrops fall down on me so cold but so tenderly
Could we put hearts together though we're far so apart?
Do you think of me? Care for me? I get so alone...alone
Traffic light the crossing crowd
How could I live my life without you?
I know I could have gone with you
All I feel is the pain inside
Another story of a broken hearted soul
Time will slip away leaving pieces of
Little moments I've been with you, shared with you
Someday I'll move on?
Raindrops fall down on me so cold but so gently
Would we put hearts together though we're far so apart?
Will you think of me? Search for me? I'll be so alone...alone
Traffic light the crossing crowd
How could I live my life without you?

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 13:31

第二季没有alone这首歌,只有她的Glassy Sky和On my own

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 13:32


In the morning sun when I look around
I have done so far, but beneath my soul
Sing a song awhile and I'll be calm again
When I'm feeling down, I would count the stars
Up above all I see is you, dream of you
Someday you'll come back?
Raindrops fall down on me so cold but so tenderly
Could we put hearts together though we're far so apart?
Do you think of me? Care for me? I get so alone...alone
Traffic light the crossing crowd
How could I live my life without you?
I know I could have gone with you
All I feel is the pain inside

Another story of a broken hearted soul
Time will slip away leaving pieces of
Little moments I've been with you, shared with you
Someday I'll move on?
Raindrops fall down on me so cold but so gently
Would we put hearts together though we're far so apart?
Will you think of me? Search for me? I'll be so alone...alone
Traffic light the crossing crowd
How could I live my life without you?

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