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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-03 20:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 06:38

With China's steady economic development and the revitalization of old instrial bases in northeast China policy has been implemented, Qiqihar City economy has a strong lead, the advertising instry on the city's economic development reflects the growing role. As Qiqihar City billboard instry started relatively late, compared with economically developed regions is obviously lagging behind. This paper discusses date from 1991, in Qiqihar City, the advertising instry's basic development process and some important data and the overall characteristics point. From the economic, policy, regulations, cultural, and geographical area set out in Qiqihar City, the advertising instry's survival and development status, and the potential for development and trends. Through the competition in the market, the advertising company operations, the owners and advertising media advertisements survey Qiqihar to understand the micro-advertising situation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 06:38

With our country economy steadily, develop and vitalize northeast China old instrial base policy to be felt at ease, that economy has got Qi Qi Ha Er City is forceful spur on, the advertisement instry effect to what our city economic growth embodies out is also more and more big. But since Qi Qi Ha Er City advertisement instry breaks the ice later , lag obviously therefore relative to the developed region. The main body of a book is discussed Qi Qi Ha Er City advertisement job basic develops course and some important relevance data and population characteristic so far from 1991.Set forth Qi Qi Ha Er City from aspect such as economic policy, law and regulation , humanity , geographical feature as well as advertisement job survival and present situation, developing the potential and the trend. Microcosmic situation by the fact that the advertisement advocating peace to market competition situation , advertizing company business performance , advertisement knows Qi Qi Ha Er City advertisement instry coming the intermediary investigation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 06:39

With the steady development and revitalizing the old policy of instrial base in the Northeast and implemented of the economy of our country,the economy of Qiqihar has been driven effectively, the advertising trade is greater and greater to the function embodied of economic development of this city. because of the advertising trade of Qiqihar starts relatively late, obviously lag behind to the developed area. The basic development course of the advertising of Qiqihar and some important relevant data and overall characteristic from 1991 to the present that this text expounds the fact. Explain the existence of the advertising of Qiqihar and current situation of the development from respects such as economy, policy, regulation, humanity, geography,etc., and development potentiality and trend. Through to the market competition state, investigation of the advertising media of advocating peace of management state of advertising agency, advertisement, come to understand the micro state of the advertising trade of Qiqihar.
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