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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-31 19:44



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 09:51


  英 [ˈnɔɪzi] 美 [ˈnɔɪzi]


  形容词 嘈杂的; 喧闹的; 吵吵闹闹的; 充满噪音的

  名词 响声; 嘈杂声



  1. The streets were as noisy as ever.


  2. He wore a noisy sweater.


  3. The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.



  1. Pica and his friends waved flags and watched replays of key Cup moments as they joined the noisy crowd in Circus Maximus.

  2. Although a wee bit noisy at times, patrons can still feel comfortable without the raised voices and kitchen racket of lesser joints.

  3. Chen Shu never expected to discover " such a big secret " when she went to the Changping district government building to complain about noisy road construction.

  4. That includes roadwork which made some parts of the city noisy, and a lane on all major roads reserved for Games participants that sometimes confused people.

  5. The fruit cascaded out the cooler's door and the herd began devouring them with noisy gusto.

  6. This is a plus for romantic evenings devoid as it is of any noisy distractions.

  7. I planned to buy a TV set for my daughter the other day, but the wall was so noisy and shiny it made me feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

  8. Germany has never lost at Dortmund's noisy stadium and has only one draw in 14 games.

  9. With noisy surroundings, people can get earache more easily and suffer from unsound sleep and bad memories.

  10. Tourists can escape from the noisy city and enjoy easeful a relaxing time in Lijiang.


  1. 喧闹的;嗓门大的;聒噪的

  A noisy person or thing makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noise.

  e.g. ...my noisy old typewriter...


  e.g. His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings.


  2. 充满噪音的;嘈杂的'

  A noisy place is full of a lot of loud or unpleasant noise.

  e.g. It's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe's giant screens...


  e.g. The baggage hall was crowded and noisy...


  3. (为引起注意)吵吵嚷嚷的;哗众取宠的

  If you describe someone as noisy, you are critical of them for trying to attract attention to their views by frequently and forcefully discussing them.

  e.g. It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique.


  e.g. ...the noisy and unpopular fringe groups that are attempting to change the culture of their society.


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