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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-03 00:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:06

Dear Mr./Ms. XXXXX,
I am XXX, (此处介绍你自己身份). I am writing this letter to invite your child to become a member of our badminton community.
Children will benefit a lot from playing badminton. They may strengthen their bodies and release the pressure while enjoying the game. Some parents might worry about the balance between the activities and the schoolwork. If parents help their children deal with the schele properly, sports will definitely enhance the study.
Our badminton community will hold competition regularly. We also hope parents will take part in the competition with their children. Playing badminton with your children will give you a good opportunity to communicate with children, to show your care, and meanwhile to ease your pressure.
Since parents are very busy on weekdays, the competition will be held on weekends.
We will inform you the details of the competition later. Please contact us at: (此处介绍联系方式和活动具体安排信息).
We are looking forward to your coming!
Sincerely yours,


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:06

Dear Mr./Ms. XXXXX,
I am XXX, (此处介绍你自己身份). I am writing this letter to invite your child to become a member of our badminton community.
Children will benefit a lot from playing badminton. They may strengthen their bodies and release the pressure while enjoying the game. Some parents might worry about the balance between the activities and the schoolwork. If parents help their children deal with the schele properly, sports will definitely enhance the study.
Our badminton community will hold competition regularly. We also hope parents will take part in the competition with their children. Playing badminton with your children will give you a good opportunity to communicate with children, to show your care, and meanwhile to ease your pressure.
Since parents are very busy on weekdays, the competition will be held on weekends.
We will inform you the details of the competition later. Please contact us at: (此处介绍联系方式和活动具体安排信息).
We are looking forward to your coming!
Sincerely yours,

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:07

The first paragraph is about the parents' introtion and illustrate the prupose for writting this leter: Let kids join badminton club.
The second paragraph lets parents realize the benefits of playing badminton: not only can strenthen bodies but also can release the stress from daily studying in order to let parents feel if their kids can balance the study time and playing time, the extracurricular activities can benefit their study.
The third paragraph is about let parents know that badminton club would hold parent-child games and suggests them to join children extracurricular activities. Through the interactivity between children and parents, let kids enjoy playing badminton. At the same time, tell parents that the benefits of play with thier children: can let kids feel the love from their parents and also create the chance for parents to have a nice communitication with their kids, as well as release the stress from working. Cultivate an interest that play badminton with their children.
The last paragraph is about the follwo-up arrangements of this game and the way to provide a feedback in order to let parents know more details and wish to participate in this game.
Lastly invite parents and children to join badminton club activities again, to response our main topic.
应该是要的吧 有疑问的话可以追问

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:08

The first paragraph first offering to introce myself, and then show that writing this letter purpose: let children to join the badminton club.
The second section will tell parents play badminton benefits: not only can strengthen the body, still can alleviate the pressure of learning. Let parents feel let children to play badminton is a good choice. Considering some parents may worry that part in extracurricular activities will affect the child's study, therefore also that the guardian should handle well the relationship between the two, extracurricular activities are can help and promote academic.
The third section is to tell parents badminton society held a parent-child game, suggested that parents to participate in the children's extracurricular activities. Through the parent-child interaction, let children like playing badminton. At the same time also told the parents and children play badminton benefits: let children feel the love of parents, increase and communication between children, also can relieve the pressure of work. That parents are interested with your child play badminton together.
The fourth section is now considering the parents are busy, therefore the parent-child game arrangement in the weekend.
The fifth section is to tell the parents about the activities of the subsequent arrangement, and how to feedback information. Let parents can learn more about and participate in this activity.
Finally once again invite parents and children to participate in the badminton club activities, care of theme.
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