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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 12:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:27

Qinhuang is a famous historical and cultural city in China. It was named after the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who visited the sea to seek immortality. It is the only city in China named after the emperor. 

Qinhuang is the birthplace of modern tourism in China. It has rich tourism resources and mild climate. It is a well-known tourist and leisure resort both at home and abroad. It has the reputation of "City of Paradise".








热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:27

Qinhuang is a city in the Hebei province, in China. It is located approx. 300 km east of Beijing, on the Bo Hai (see Bohai Sea), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea.

Qinhuang has three main developed areas:

Beidaihe: a seaside resort. Many political decisions affecting China are made here, making it the eqivalent to resorts in Maine or Camp David in Maryland in the United States.

Haigang District: the harbor city. Qinhuang proper. Home of Yan Shan University, the leading university in NE Hebei province.

Shanhaiguan: a popular tourist destination, featuring the eastern end of the Great Wall.
Qinhuang's Olympic Sports Centre Stadium will be used as an Olympic Competition Venue (Football Preliminary) ring the 2008 Summer Olympics.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:27

Qinhuang is a city in the Hebei province, in China. It is located approx. 300 km east of Beijing, on the Bo Hai (see Bohai Sea), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea.

Since the elevation of Tianjin to a provincial-level municipality, Qinhuang is the chief port of Hebei province. The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang is said to have sought immortality on an island in the Haigang district, but did not find it.

Qinhuang has three main developed areas:

Beidaihe: a seaside resort. Many political decisions affecting China are made here, making it the eqivalent to resorts in Maine or Camp David in Maryland in the United States.
Haigang District: the harbor city. Qinhuang proper. Home of Yan Shan University, the leading university in NE Hebei province.
Shanhaiguan: a popular tourist destination, featuring the eastern end of the Great Wall.
Qinhuang's Olympic Sports Centre Stadium will be used as an Olympic Competition Venue (Football Preliminary) ring the 2008 Summer Olympics.
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