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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-11 11:59



热心网友 时间:2023-07-08 06:23





  As an important part of Chinese academic journals, sci-tech periodicalshave great significance to the spread of knowledge of science and to thedevelopment of technology. The level of internationalization of a sci-tec journalrepresents its recognition degree in the field of international publishing,besides, it is also a key criteria of the success for launching the journals. Thereare the largest number of sci-tech periodicals launched in Beijing, which leadsto a central role that taken by this area. Therefore, result from the researchwhich focus in Beijing can, to a certain extent, reflect the international level ofChinese sci-tech periodicals.

  This paper is divided into six chapters: Chapter one is a brief review of theacademic theories and description about the practice status and the currentsystem of Chinese sci-tech periodicals. Also, it summarizes the stages andcharacteristics of the development of sci-tech periodicals in Beijing. In chaptertwo, it provides the historical foundation, system condition and thedevelopment of digital technology for the following analysis. Chapter three, tofive respectively elaborates the current situation of the development of sci-techperiodicals in Beijing area by 3 aspects: content innovation, business strategyand media. In chapter six, it concluded the problems that China's sci-techperiodicals are facing ring the globalization and then provides possiblecountermeasures based on the analysis in previous chapters.

  Key Words: Beijing; sci-tech periodicals; internationalization; impact factor



  Within the framework of feminism and archetypal criticism, this thesis, by taking ThePassion of New Eve as its discourse, analyzes and discusses Angela Carter's application ofdemythologizing as a feminist strategy. By rewriting and subverting those female archetypes,Carter aims to break the fetters and shackles of patriarchy, exploring the way to women'sliberation as well as the reconciliation between two genders.

  Believing that human society has been established on patriarchy, feminists endeavor tochange women's subordinate status and achieve gender equality. Archetypal criticism, as oneof the most influential branches in literary criticism,regards myth as the origin of literature.

  Myths,especially the Bible,cover all the forms and motifs known as archetypes in literature.

  As a devoted pioneer and advocator of feminism, Carter realizes that those female archetypesare usually stereotyped and dogmatic, which is actually invented by patriarchy for theoppression and exploitation of women.

  Based on intensive reading and exhaustive textual analysis, this thesis illustrates Carter'sdemythologizing of three female archetypes in The Passion of New Eve, which are“Temptress,,,”Mother Goddesses“ and ”Eve“ respectively. Firstly, the sufferings that Leilahencounter in the novel reveal that ”Temptresses“ are in fact victims of patriarchy instead oforigins of disloyalty and disasters. While seen by men as objects of their sexual desires, theyalso risk self-objectification, which results in the deprivation of subjectivity as independenthuman beings. Secondly, ”Mother“ in Beulah is just an artificial myth,汪 consolatory toolfabricated by patriarchy, behind the glorification of which are patriarchal values and codes.

  Thirdly, the transformative journey Eve experienced from a chauvinist to a real womandemonstrates that femininity, rather than an inherent quality, is the result of social influenceand persistent imitations.

  Through the demythologizing of those female archetypes, Carter overthrows thepatriarchal hegemony as well as Utopian matriarchal dreams,offering androgyny as a potentialsolution to the current sexual conflicts. In her opinion, the real reconciliation between twogenders should be based on mutual respect and understanding, which is confirmed by theunion between the new Eve and Tristessa in The Passion of New Eve.

  Keywords: female archetype; demythologizing; Angela Carter; The Passion of New Eve



  In recent years, with the development of the financial sector, more and morepeople pay attention to the financial information search. However, the traditionalkeyword search method could hardly meet the needs of financial users. Therefore,semantic search procts have gained more popularity. However, the semanticparsing process is complex and diverse. During the process of the analysis oflarge-scale real text, the sentence analysis which based on word granularity is verydifficult, but after chunk analysis, the accuracy can be significantly improved andthe complexity can be clearly reced. At present, the user input method is almostthe Pinyin input method, thus it could probably happen that the input phonetic lettersare correct, while the Chinese character is wrong. In order to achieve the purpose ofimproving the user experience, the Pinyin text proofreading appears.

  The content of this paper is a pretreatment subsystem of the finance Q & Asystem, and it contains two functions, Pinyin text proofreading and chunk partition.

  Text proofreading is based on Pinyin, in the first place, putting the query sequenceinto phonetic sequence. Then it uses the multiple grammars, three grammars and twogrammars to fill the Chinese characters sequence. And if there is no ambiguity whenfilling, then it uses the text proofreading, otherwise, ignores the text proofreading.

  For the chunk partition, this paper uses three different methods: the method ofthe shortest path chunk partition, the method of CRF chunk partition and the methodof neural network chunk partition. The subsystem designed and implemented thethree methods. The shortest path chunk partition is similar to the dictionary wordsegmentation method. CRF chunk partition divided the problem into the annotationproblem, through getting the optimal sequence labels, to reach the purpose of chunkpartition. Chunk neural network chunk partition is based on word segmentation,changing the query sequence into a sequence of nodes. If the sequence of possibilityimproved after adding chunk tag on each node sequence, the tag position is a chunkposition.

  In practical test, the shortest path chunk partition based on the dictionary,cannot process the query which is not in the dictionary of chunk. CRF chunkpartition can solve the unknown chunk query, but the mark information is too simplewhen the training corpus increased,and the error percentage of results increasedsignificantly. When using neural networks in chunk partition, the predicted timeincreases significantly, however, the query generalization is a good idea. Throughthe above research, a reasonable way to chunk partition is the CRF method, whichproperly uses the query generalization.

  Finally after testing, the pretreatment subsystem has not only met the needs ofthe finance Q & A system, largely improving the financial Q & A system userexperience, but also reces the analytical complexity, significantly improved thecorrectness and performance.

  Keywords: Pretreatment system question analysis, chunk, text proofreading, CRF,neural network


英文摘要是一种简明扼要的英文写作形式,旨在用符合英文语法规则的文字概述论文的核心内容,虽然与中文摘要相似,但无需逐句对应。以下是英文摘要的基本格式要求:1. 独立成页:英文题目、摘要和关键词应放在中文摘要之后,占据一页。2. 字体与间距:确保使用标准的西文字体“Times New Roman”,并且采用双...




论文英文摘要中使用时态的策略应以一般现在时为主。在阐述背景知识时,采用一般现在时最为适宜。例如:Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.在讨论当前研究状况时,根据想要表达的内容,可以灵活运用一般现在时、现在进行时或者现在完成时。比如:Deep neural networks are the mos...




英文论文摘要模板【1】 ABSTRACT As an important part of Chinese academic journals, sci-tech periodicalshave great significance to the spread of knowledge of science and to thedevelopment of technology. The level of internationalization of a sci-tec journalrepresents its recognition degree...




摘要 (或文摘),也就是英文的 Abstract 顾名思义,是一篇文章摘出来的要点。其内容讲究的是对文章内容的高度压缩,强调的是对文字本身的概括,不能夹带图表、参考文献。摘要(Abstract)写好了很不简单,原因是其对文数的限制比较严格。一般SCI英文论文摘要允许200 - 300字,很少有超过500字的。摘要...


在撰写英文论文的材料与方法时应该使用过去时。论文摘要的时态基本上有两种 : 一般现在时、一般过去时。由于学术论文写作通常采用一般现在时, 摘要也多用一般现在时。目的、方法、结果及结论部分多用一般现在时 , 背景介绍常采用一般过去时。一般现在时用于描述研究目的和范围、研究内容、结果和结论 ;一般...




英文摘要格式 ①首行居中打印论文英文标题(TimesNewRoman四号加粗)。②下空一行居中打印英文单词“Abstract”(TimesNewRoman小四号加粗)。③下空一行打印摘要内容(TimesNewRoman小四,1.5倍行距,两端对齐)。④摘要内容后下空一行打印“KeyWords”(TimesNewRoman小四号加粗),其后接着打印关键词(3-7个关键...

论文摘要中英文示例 英文论文的摘要模板 英文摘要300字模板 论文摘要英文写作300字 英语论文摘要200字模板 中英文摘要怎么写 英语摘要写作怎么写 论文摘自英语 英语论文abstract模板
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