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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-11 18:00



热心网友 时间:2023-06-28 23:58

下面是关于名词put的英语习语和表达。每个习语或表达后面都有定*释,以及两个例子来帮助你理解这些关于put的常见习语表达。在学习完这些表达后,你可以做做关于put的习语和表达测试,从而测试你的知识。,,a cork in it!,Definition: Be quiet,安静下来,Could you please put a cork in it?!,能请你安静一下吗?!,Tom, put a cork in it! I can't hear what Mary is saying.,汤姆,安静下来!我都听不清玛丽在说什么了。,,down,Definition: criticize someone,批评某人,Jack put him down.,杰克批评了他。,Don't put me down!,别批评我!,,(stick) one's nose in,Definition: interfere in someone's business,干涉某人的工作,I wish he wouldn't put his nose inwhere it's not wanted.,我希望他不会干涉不该他管的事。,Mary is putting her nose in their affairs.,玛丽在干涉他们的事。,,on the Ritz/dog,Definition: make everything special for someone else,在别人面前摆架子,They really put on the Ritz for us last weekend.,上周末,他们在我们面前耀武扬威。,Let's put on the dog for the Wilson's.,在威尔逊一家面前摆摆架子吧。,,some distance beeen someone and someone/something,Definition: move far away from,远离,He put some distance beeen himself and his ex-wife.,他远离了前妻。,Let's put some distance beeen us and this city.,让我们远离这座城市。,,someone away,Definition: put in prison,关进监狱,They put him away for enty years.,他们把他关在监狱20年。,Jason was put away for life in prison.,杰森被判终身监禁。,,someone on,Definition: fool, tease someone,欺骗、取笑某人,He put Jerry on about his new job.,他取笑了杰瑞的新工作。,I don't believe anything you say. You're putting me on!,你说的话我都不相信。你是在欺骗我!,,someone up,Definition: provide acmodation,提供住宿,We put them up last week as they couldn't find a hotel.,上周,因为他们找不到旅馆,我们就为他们提供住宿。,Could you put me up for the night?,你能收留我一晚吗?,,something away,Definition: eat or drink something,吃或喝某物,He put the whole pizza away in fifteen minutes!,他十五分钟就吃掉了整张匹萨!,We put away six beers.,我们喝了六杯啤酒。,,something through something,Definition: do something that creates difficulty for another person,使某人经受麻烦,She put him through hell and then left him.,她给他带来一堆麻烦,然后离开了他。,Don't put me through that. It's just too difficult for one person.,别给我惹麻烦。这对于一个人来说太困难了。,,that in your pipe and *** oke it!,Definition: Phrase meaning: You see! Take that!,你瞧!面对现实吧!,You're wrong! Now put that in your pipe and *** oke it!,你是错的!现在改面对现实了!,I don't agree with you. Put that in your pipe and *** oke it!,我不同意你的意见。你承认现实吧。,,the bite on someone,Definition: try to get money from someone,试图从某人那里得到金钱,I put the bite on Tim but he didn't have any money.,我想从蒂姆那儿弄点钱,但他身无分文。,She put the bite on me for $50.,她从我那要了50美元。,,the finger on someone,Definition: identify someone,认出某人,The victim put the finger on the criminal.,受害者认出了罪犯。,She put the finger on her boss for the crime.,她指认老板就是犯人。,,the heat/screws on someone,Definition: pressure someone to do something,强迫某人做某事,He's putting the heat on me to finish the report.,他强迫我完成报告。,Ja's really putting the screws on her hu *** and to get a new car.,珍妮特缠着她老公买一辆新车。,,the moves on someone,Definition: try to sece someone,试图*某人,He was putting the moves on Mary last night.,昨晚,他*了玛丽。,Hey! Are you trying to put the moves on me?!,嘿!你是在对我暗送秋波吗?!,声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。
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