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Article ID:1006-8104(2005)-02-0186-07
Influences and Countermeasures of Green Trade
Barrier on Export Trade of Chinese
Agricultural Procts
LI Shuang,GUO Xiang-yu'
(College of Economics and Management, Northeast Agricultural University, HarbinHeilongjiang 150030, PRC )
Abstract: With the worsening of environment, many countries pay more attention to the environmental protection. Green (organic) trade barrier graally attracts more attention to the non-tariff barrier in the international trade. However, according to the economic levels of different countries, great differences exist in environment standards of these countries which resulted in the appearance of green trade barriers as trade protection. This study classified the connotations and characteristics of green trade barrier, gave the descriptions on the development and type of green trade barrier, and analysed the influences onChina's export and put forward some countermeasures which aimed at stimulating the development of our foreign trade.
Key words: green trade barrier; agricultural procts: export, trade countermeasures
CLC number: T3Document code: A
In recent years the environment-protection in international trade inclines to be stronger and stronger, the new developing non-tariff trade barriers such as the green (organic) trade barrier have become certain rationality, disguise and technology under the title of environmental protection, and become the effective weapon of trade protectionism more and more. It has already formed the difficult door bank for us through the swift and violent development in a few years, assaulting the export of our agricultural procts seriously. Whether we could cross this green protective screen become the key problem for the continuous and constant development of-our agricultural procts export under the new situation ofChina's accession to the WTO.
1Implications, Characteristics and Formulation of Green Barrier
1.1Implication of the green barrier
The meaning of green trade barrier includes tariff barrier and two kinds of non-tariff trade barriers, and the technological barrier is the main form of the nontariff trade barriers. With the constant development of TBT (Technical barriers to trade), the green barrier has already become the important component of TBT. Green barrier is a kind of neutral barrier. Normal green barrier means to take rational measure of trade actually to protect environment legally. And the rational green barrier means that the importer implement import restrictions on ecological environment protection, natural environment, the health of mankind and animals and plants. Up to now, it has already permeated through planning from the initial raw materials of procts to each link, such as proction procere, packing and selling, consumer's usage and scrap and dealing, etc. progressively. It stipulates according to relevant environmental protection standards, requires the import goods should not only be in accordance with the quality level, and should also be in accordance with the environmental protection request from 
designing, making, packing to consuming link of handling etc., and can't cause danger to ecological environment and human health. Such new trade protective measure can stop abroad procts effectively, especially environmental consciousness bad, backward in technique entry of proct of developing country.
1.2The formulation of the green barrier
The formulation of the green barrier is the international demand of environmental protection and inevitable result of international trade development.
1.2.1The global environmental question makes environmental protection become global and common voice
With the rapid economic growing of various countries, the global environmental question is aggravated day by day after the World War II. In face of the ecological environment that is destroyed and polluted miserably, the green peace organization has sent out the sharp accusation the mankind has made the paradise of a piece of rubbish, world people increaseing at double and spreading like the pestilence have caused the extinction of 500 animals and plants, it is robbing the fuel on the earth. When the holding capacity of the ecological environment reaches limit, it will begin to carry on the terrible vindictiveness to the mankind. In face of the severe vindictiveness of natural environment, day by day the international community has lifted the powerful environmental tide. People also graally realize that it is mankind's common responsibility to protect the environment, and we must adopt the common action.
1.2.2Trade protectionism
The formulation of the green barrier of trade protectionism and needs are not out of ecological environment protection and human health development, there is one side of its rationality. But its profound reason is that trade protectionism resumes, and several negotiations between GATT and WTO have already kept the tariff very low, various countries are unable to achieve the goal of exercising restraint in importing to cause through the tariff. "Protecting the national economic benefits" is basic hopes when various countries carry on international trade, so adopting some restriction when foreign procts enter national market, and guaranteeing national procts that occupied domestic: market become natural acts[2].
1.3Characteristics of the green trade barrier
1.3.1Rationality of the surface content
There are era backgrounds in appearances of the green trade barrier of rationality of the surface content. "Limit increased" which Club of Rome published in 1972. The report and the first world environments summit meeting holding at Stockholm of Sweden in the same year have promoted the development of environmental protection sport of the world. Mankind begin to think the relations of the environment, economic growth and social welfare to intro-spect the prevailing consumption mode, followed the world environmental doctrine sport, and to think the proction, trade and environmental protection factor while consuming be paid more and more concerns. On the other hand, the deterioration of environment is constant day by day, and arouses highly concerns of the people all around the world, especially on the environmental protection of developed country. People care more and more about life quality, pay close attention to the ecological environment, and pursue non-harmful consumption. Although the green trade barrier seems has catered to the public's needs, and is in accordance with sustainable development goals of various countries, the trade protectionism restrains the foreign procts from importing in fact.
1.3.2The legitimacy of the external form
The legitimacy of the external form lies in a series of countries as a kind of brand-new main difference between non -tariff trade barriers green trade barrier and other non-tariff trade barriers. Border legislates in order to legislate to stipulate and implement publicly according to using publicly at home. Have all made the corresponding regulation to the green trade barrier in WTO, relevant trade agreement and international environmental convention. At present, more than 150 multilateral international protocols have already been signed in the world. The extension of the


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