发布时间:2023-01-06 06:09
时间:2023-11-08 08:17
1. 副词的定义
一个副词(adverb)是一个修饰动词,形容词, 或者另一个副词含义的词(adverb一词,来源于晚期拉丁语 adverbium , 由两部分 ad (“to”之意)+ verbum (“verb”之意)组成,意指附属于动词的一个词,当然后来又扩展为修饰形容词和另一个副词,如果这样似乎称为“附词”更为符合中文含义。): 例如——
(修饰动词)The lowing herd WINDS slowly o’er the lea.
(修饰形容词)Ye quenchless stars! so eloquently BRIGHT.
(修饰副词)One who loved not wisely,but too WELL.
副词的职责就是通过与某种条件或场景(例如时间,地点,方式)联系起来,修饰另一个表示动作或者属性的词 。
(1) 动词,描述动作或状态;
(2) 形容词,表示属性;
(3) 副词:表示另一个属性的属性。
2. 副词按用途的分类
2.1 简单副词(simple adverb)
简单副词仅用于修饰某个动词,形容词或另一个副词,没有其它功能: 例如——“We arrived yesterday ;”“You are always ready.”
2.2 连接副词或关系副词(conjunctive或relative adverb)
连接副词不仅修改某个动词,形容词或另一个副词,而且承担连接句子剩下部分组成句子的功能: 例如——
(1) Come where my love lie dreaming.
(2) We know not whence it cometh or whither it goeth.
句中连接副词充当的职责和关系代词类似;因为关系代词指向某个先行词,因此,连接副词指向的是具有 指示,描述或者可理解性特征 的某种前置术语: 例如——
(1) There where a few torn shrubs the place disclose.
(2) Come [then] when you are ready.
2.3 疑问副词(interrogative adverb)
(1) Mother,oh! Where is that radiant shore?
(2) When shall we three meet again?
2.4 情态副词(modal adverb)
情态副词表示说话者以什么样的方式构思一种想法: 例如——
(肯定的方式(Affirmatively)) Thou shalt surely die.
(否定的方式(Negatively)) It is not all of life to live.
(偶发的方式(Contingently)) Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid some heart.
3. 副词按含义的分类
(1) 地点副词—— 回答 where? , whither? , whence? 这样的问题,例如, here,there,nowhere,backwards .
(2) 时间副词—— 回答 when?how long?how often? 这样的问题,例如, then,formerly,seldom,thrice.
(3) 行为副词—— 回答 how? 这样的问题,例如, truly,faithfully,well,otherwise.
(4) 程度副词—— 回答 how much? 这样的问题,例如, scarely,little,enough .
(5) 原因副词—— 回答 why? 这样的问题,例如, therefore,wherefore,why .
4. 响应式副词(responsives)
词汇yes和no,前者相当于一个肯定的响应句,后者相当于一个否定的响应句,有时候称其为响应式副词, 例如——
“Will you go?” “Yes”(= I will go);“No”(=I will not go).
副词短语.——充当副词作用的词汇组合,称不为 副词短语 ( adverbial phrases ): 例如——at length ; at last ; at best ; at large ; at all ; at times ; at hand ;by and by ; by turns ; by chance ; by no means ; in that ; inasmuch as ; in truth ; in case ; from above ; from below ; one by one; in like manner; now and then; ever and anon; up and down ; in and out ; here and there ; as yet ; by far.
5. 副词的比较级
部分副词接受比较级,其比较级和最高级构成方式与形容词的比较级一样 :例如—— soon , sooner , soonest; beautifully, more beautifully, most beautifully。
下面的副词与其对应的形容词一样,是 不规则的比较级 (irregularly compared): well, ill,badly,much,nigh或near,late, little, far,forth.
6. 关于副词的注意事项
I. 很多副词具有代词的根,如下表所示:
II. 关于副词“The”,在类似 “ the sooner the better” 这样的表达句中,“the”不是指冠词the,而是Anglo-Saxon指示词 that 的一种情况。旧的格式是 thy (对于why),其含义是“ by what (in what degree) sooner, by that ( in that degree ) better. ”“The sooner”和“The better”应该解释为副词短语。类似的情况:例如,“The more the marrier,”等等。
1. And now a bubble bursts, and now a world.
2. Night has already gone.
3. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn.
4. She weeps not, but often and deeply she sighs.
5. Again thy fires began to burn.
6. I was dally with you.
7. Thought, once tangled, never cleared again.
8. Dulness is ever apt to magnify.
9. Where Is my ehild? and echo answers, " Where?"
10. Hercrests his head upon the lap of earth.
11. Look downward on yonder globe.
12. Come hither, my little page.
13. Onward in haste Llewellyn passed.
14. Let Norval go benee as he eame.
15. I thenee invoke thy aid.
16. Whenee and what art thou?
17. Heneeforth, to rule was not enough for Bonaparte.
18. This Institution universally prevailed.
19. Isaac trembled exceedingly.
20. Think much, speak little.
21. We eannot wholly deprive them of merit.
22. The same actions may arise from quite eontrary prineiplcs.
28. It was thought very strange.
24. They were completely In my power.