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1. Guo, J. H., Geng, Z. and Shi, N.-Z. Consecutive collapsibility of logistic regression coefficients over an ordinal background, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2003, 115, 59-67.
2. Guo, J. H., Ma, Y. P., Shi, N.-Z. and Lau, T.S. Testing for homogeneity of relative difference under inverse sampling, Computing Statistics and Data Analysis, 2003, in press.
3. Guo, J. H. and Zhao, H. A likelihood-based method to study haplotype associations for case-control data when phase is ambiguous, Genetic Epidemiology, 2003, under revision.
4. Guo, J. H., Geng, Z. and Tang, M.-L. Consecutive collapsibility of directed association measures in linear models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, under revision.
5. Tang, M.-L., Ng, H.K.T., Guo, J.H., Chan, W. and Chan, P.-S. Exact Cochran-Armitage trend tests: comparisons under different models, Statistics in Medicine, 2003, under revision.
6. Zheng, S.-R., Shi, N.-Z. and Guo, J. H. The restricted EM algorithm under inequality restrictions on the parameters. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, under revision.
7. Geng, Z., Guo, J.H. and Fung, T.W.K. Criteria for confounders in epidemiological studies. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Serials B, 2002, 64, 3-15.
8. Ma, Y. P., Guo, J. H., Shi, N.-Z. and Tang, M.-L. On the use of historical control information for trend test in carcinogenesis, Biometrics, 2002, 58, 917-927.
9. Tao, J., Guo, J. H. and Shi, N.-Z. Stepwise confidence procere under unknown variances for toxicological evaluation, Biometrical Journal, 2002, 44, 149-160.
10. Tao, J., Shi, N.-Z., Guo, J.H. and Gao, W. Stepwise confidence procere for the identification of minimum effective dose with unknown variances, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2002, 57,121-131.
11. Guo, J.H., Geng, Z. and Fung, T.W.K. Consecutive collapsibility of odds ratios over an ordinal background variable. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2001, 79, 89--98.
12. Geng, Z., Guo, J.H., Lau, T.S. and Fung, T.W.K. Confounding, homogeneity and collapsibility for causal effects in epidemiological studies. Statistica Sinica, 2001, 11, 63-75.
13. 郭建华, 耿直,史宁中,Yule测度的可压缩性研究,中国科学 A辑,2001, 31卷, 324-331.
14. Guo, J.H., Geng, Z. and Shi, N-Z. On collapsibility of Yule's measure, Science in China Series A, 2001, 44, 829-836.
15. Guo, J.H. and Geng, Z. Collapsibility of logistic regression coefficients, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Serials B, 1995, 57, 263-267.
16. Geng, Z., Asano, Ch., Ichimura, M., Kimura, H., Guo, J.H. and Gong, M. Knowledge rection and integration in probabilistic expert systems. Italy Statistics Review: Statistica Applicata, 1994, 6, 349-356.
曾为国内外期刊《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Serials B》、《Journal of Nonparametric Statistics》、《Computing Statistics and Data Analysis》、《中国科学》、《系统科学与数学》、《高校应用数学学报》、《应用概率统计》、《东北师大学报》等杂志一次或多次审稿
6、北京大学优秀博士论文和北京市优秀博士论文流行病学研究中的混杂现象和因果推断 北京市教委
7、国家统计局全国统计科学科技进步奖一等奖:Logistic回归分析中背景变量的混杂效应 国家统计局 部级 1998 第一位(共两人)
全国统计科学科技进步奖一等奖: 8、国家教委科技进步奖二等奖:模型的可压缩性和可分解性--含或不含不完全数据 国家教委 部级 ;
应邀参加Workshop on Statistics and Probability 2005, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,并作30分钟特邀报告(2005.1)

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