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用“If I were…,I will …”写一篇英语演讲稿!两分钟左右,感染力强...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-23 06:49




If I were a teacher If I were a teacher, I want to be a versatile teacher. First of all I will be good at singing, dancing, painting, but also proficienting in computer. Then I learned the skills taught in the students,and train them into high quality talents good at bot...

以If I am a teacher\player , I will 为题,写一篇英语作文,初二下学 ...

If I were a teacher player,I will arrange the whole class time,let the students have fun,also won't feel boring,this will increase the students love to ball,also can let the students feel the teacher is not only a course,have fun.如果我是一名教师的球员,我会合理的安排整节...

以“If I was ”为开头,续写成一篇英语文章

I were you,I




英语伴成长 早在我六岁左右的时候,我就开始接触英语了,那时候,英语对我来说是很奇怪的,我对这奇怪的语言也不感兴趣,更何况爸爸总强迫我看一些英语教学节目,节目时间又总与动画片时间相冲突。因此,我开始讨厌英语。时间匆匆过去,在我小学生生活的最后,情况彻底改变了,小学阶段的那次毕业考试,...


你可以试着把你的目标写在纸上,并制定实现目标的计划。这样,你就会懂得如何合理安排时间,如何正确地支配时间。而且你还要有这样的信念:只要你一直坚持自己的方向,你就一定可以成功。Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.Man’s life ...


hownoanimalcouldwithstandhim,andhowallwereobligedtoemploycunninginordertoprotectthemselvesfromhim. Thewolfanswered,"IfIcouldseeamanjustonce,Iwouldattackhimnonetheless." "Icanhelpyoutodothat,"saidthefox."Cometomeearlytomorrowmorning,andIwillshowyouone." Thewolfarrivedontime,andthefoxtookhimouttothe...


Christmas and the most important festival in a year for Chinese that is Spring Festival! All family members are back home at that time for reunion.。3. 英语作文mylifeintenyears假如你想成为一名导游,请用英语写一篇短文 Mylifeintenyears Intenyears,Iwillbeatourguide.Ilikevisit...


My dream I want to be a translator so that I will be able to learn foreign language of many different countries. It is free and happy to be a translator because I can travel around the world and make friends with people from different culture. I will then have the chance to...


Li Ming's brother gave him a good gift:a beautiful new mobile phone.And there are a lot of funny games in it such as the Fruit Minja and Tom Cat. Li Ming likes it very much so he wants to take it to school.But his parents don't allow him.If he takes it to school...

英语演讲稿一分钟 一篇英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿5分钟 简短英语演讲稿1分钟 英语演讲稿1分钟带翻译 如何写英语演讲稿 一个特别的我英语演讲稿 初一英语演讲稿 演讲稿英语
...9300的手机,拍照的时候因为屏幕很大自拍的时候按不到开关~前面的... 帮我的作文取个好题目 我的作文是仿写《生命 生命》这篇文章的。_百度... 40 多亿美金BD背后的超前押注者 40 多亿美金BD背后的超前押注者 ...中间有条金色拉链,上面是稍微肥点的怎么搭配外套和里衣 仿照课文生命 生命写一篇作文 要写3件事,380字左右. 如何在微信上面创建一个微信号? 东安黑豹股份有限公司公司简介 2022励志句子精选10句 自信的生命最美丽 梦幻模拟战手游兰迪乌斯转职攻略:兰迪乌斯转职选择推荐 海豚家app为什么打不开了 中华人民共和国反间谍法实施细则是什么 我想问问华康免费字体是哪些 用酵母粉发面要多长时间? 公牛usb转换插排虚接 《梦幻诛仙》手游交易系统介绍 祖龙娱乐转正困难吗 卖房销售卖出80万的房,提点0.5能赚多少钱 山东社保卡可以跨省使用吗 我的自由泳换气总呛水怎回事 自由泳换气嘴进水,会呛水吗? 大家车险都买车损了吗? 面包烤出来的黄色形状,长扁形状,纸袋包装夹心,夹心是咸加香的味道,长春... 我们的职业需求到底是怎样的。 冠冕的意思和造句 用冠冕造句 空调外机响声很大怎么回事? 发动机水泵漏水危险吗 海视泰摄像头怎么恢复出厂设置 广域威视摄像头如何恢复出厂设置 成都买了房子可以落户吗 农村高速公路还有机会拆迁吗 为什么说银联诗歌POS机《万物有诗》这部宣传片有着浓厚的中国风? 中国风演唱会宣传片背景音乐 0_10_科沃斯dd33是新款吗 学英语背范文有用么 OPPO R7是无边框手机么? nba解说背景音乐叫什么 OPPO R7 是无边框的呢?? 怎么才能在一台手机上同时登录两个呢? OPPO R7是无边框的吗? 上海恩泉餐饮管理有限公司的食堂生产管理制度 做瓜皮醋可以用白糖吗 如何在手机上同时登录两个 一个手机如何登录两个 如何在同一部手机上同时登陆两个 这个叫什么字体courier 怎样装饰班级在元旦节 茅乡珍品蓝色这个酒如何 什么电影制作厂的宣传片恢弘大气