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求一篇高一英语作文 关于“我的城市”巢湖的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 09:47



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:43

Chaohu City, Anhui Province is located in the middle of the verge of the Yangtze River, surrounded by one of the five largest freshwater lakes, Chaohu. Has jurisdiction over Lujiang, Wuwei, and the county, Hanshan four counties and Juchao District. The city's total area of 9423 square kilometers, the end of 2005 the total population of 4.5306 million.
Chaohu Lake, one of the five major freshwater lakes, a beautiful, old times, has a long history and splendid culture. One body of the largest and most features, most ornamental value, the first as cultural attractions.
Chaohu is a unique place location. The territory of the Republic, there is hardly any city can be like her, but pro-lapel River Lake. Oe intersection where the Great Lakes, southern culture Jiangbei gather here. Mother Nature created the Jiangbei her a "land of plenty", the historical legacy has given her a wealth of attractions, the Yangtze River water in Chaohu one generation after another generation nurtured a history of celebrities, Chaohu left for today's most precious natural and historical heritage attractions provide a unique cultural resources.
Scenic Spots: It seems that it sounds kind of poetry is painting
Chaohu for the national key scenic spots. In many attractions, the most attractive spots is the mountain scenery. Eastward to the river, Enpa Haomiao of Chaohu, Chaohu unlating landscape majestic mountains, hot springs transpiration, from the macro form the magnificent landscape of Chaohu momentum. She set the Yangtze River a natural barrier, the lakes and mountains in one, the Meeting were Izumina holes, rocks in an exquisite, lake, JIANG Tao, spa, exquisite, called "Chaohu four absolutely," the number of literati who make history, amazing!
Chaohu, radius 800, the Enpa Haomiao, as if embedded in Jianghuai earth on the "side Hokyo"; Laoshan Island and Tianmenshan in Chaohu Lake and the Yangtze River in Barry glittering like a river spilled in the Great Lakes in the "2 precious stones "; lake is surrounded by many hot springs all year round spraying spit jade beads, in which half of soup, xiangquan, Tangchi three have been completed and Wellness Spa resort, has been well known as" three string of pearls "; Taihu Lake Hill, cages Hill, Ye Father Hill, patio Mountain National Forest Park 4, the endless, dripping green, known as Jiangbei's "four emerald"; there are "underground river" Shuangjing hole, "Cliff Cave" Wang Joe hole, "rocks such as the Dragon" Fairy Cave, "legendary" Huayang holes, "JAC wonders," park cave and so on, Dong Dong amazed by it, strange things, which is called "five underground palace of art." This combination of natural landscape, dotted the coast in the Chaohu Lake, forming a "Zhongxingpengyue", painted on a piece of a perfect three-dimensional landscape! Landscape painting giant volume, from a 53 km-long Lake Avenue, Scenic Belt extended to the provincial capital Hefei and, through the 182-kilometer-long "Golden Waterway" integration into the "Yangtze River Delta", making beautiful scenery of Hefei and Chaohu as "Yangtze River Delta "natural" garden. "
求一篇高一英语作文 关于“我的城市”巢湖的

surrounded by one of the five largest freshwater lakes, Chaohu. Has jurisdiction over Lujiang, Wuwei, and the county, Hanshan four counties and Juchao District. The city's total area of 9423 square kilometers,



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haohu City,Anhui Province is located in the middle of the verge of the Yangtze River,surrounded by one of the five largest freshwater lakes,Chaohu.Has jurisdiction over Lujiang,Wuwei,and the county,Hanshan four counties and Juchao District.The city's total area of 9423 square kilo...




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