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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 04:53



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:11

1、Eddie, follow me
2、Huo Bo, are you sure
3、Don't be afraid, come with me.
I guess we have to go up again
The zoo then North Sunshine Sunshine Secondary School, about 3 km away
How will we get there?
Go straight ahead, you will see the panda enclosure
Pandas are very lovely, they like to eat bamboo, and lie there.
Remember the lion is dangerous, not to go near them
Turn to the left, then the area of the west, you will find that the world of birds.
Birds singing, sound
Monkeys are clever and funny, they are jumping up and down, causing people to laugh.
The giraffe's neck to help them to eat the leaves on the trees.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:12

  1.Adee,Follow me.

  2.Hobo,Are you sure?
  3.Don‘t fear,Come with me.
  4.I think we need go up again.
  5.Sunshine zoo is on three miles north of Sunshine middle school.
  6.How can we get there?
  7.Go along,you will find the panda venues.
  8.Panda is lovely.They like to eat bamboo,and they lay there all the day.
  9.Remeber,the lion is dangers!Don't Close to it.
  10.Turn left,you will find the world of the bird on the lion area.
  11.Birds have the wonderful voice when them singing.
  12.The monkey is clever and funny, they jump up and down, make people to laugh.
  13.The giraffe's neck to help them to eat the leaves on the trees.
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