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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 04:13



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 02:18

 Qingyan ancient town, Guizhou one of four big town, is located in the southern suburbs of Guiyang City, built in the Ming Hongwu ten years (1378), was originally a military fortress. In the ancient town of ingenious design, exquisite workmanship of the Ming and Qing Dynasties of ancient buildings staggered clouds, temples, pavilions, carved beams and painted rafters eaves and white flight angle.Town gathering of talents, historical celebrities Zhou Yuhuang, late Qing Dynasty scholar Zhao Yijiong (Guizhoufirst in the history of the champion). The town has a modern history shocked the lesson plans, Zhao Zhuangyuan hall,site of Qingyan former residence of Mr. Ping Gang, the long march of the Red Army operational command and other historical relics. Zhou Enlai's father, Deng Yingchao's mother, Li Kenong and other revolutionary predecessorsand their families were in Qingyan secret lived. 2013 washailed as one of the most charming towns in China PeakInternational Intangible Cultural Heritage and tourismplanning projects. Qingyan ancient town won the 2010Chinese Poetry Association awarded the "Chinese Poems"honorary title, to become the first National Poetry town. In the early Ming Dynasty, Qingyan ancient town set tunpu.Apocalypse four years to seven years (1624 ~ 1627), Buyitoast class Lin your build Qingyan Tucheng, broughtseventy-two walled, control eight fold division twelve.Qingyan ancient town as a military fortress and accounts for the special geographical position, the following hundreds of years, through many built Tucheng wallexpansion, changed into stone walls, stone paved streets.The surrounding walls with stone built on a cliff on the East,West, South and North four gates. The 3 square kilometer area of the city, cultural attractions nearly office. The central dynasty to control the southwest border, Hongwu six years (AD 1373) Guizhou home guard command thedivision, in order to control the Sichuan, Yunnan, Hunanand Guangxi road. Qingyan located in Guangxi Guiyangportal into the main post road middle, set the transfer document "shop" and transmitting military "pond" in the post road, to build up troops Shuangshi peak Tun, known as the "Qingyan tun". Hongwu fourteen years (1381 AD),Zhu Yuanzhang sent 300000 army expeditionary Yunnan and Guizhou, a large number of troops into the heart of Guizhou in later in the next Dynasty, "Qingyan Tun" has graally become the army and the people in the same"fort qingyan".
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