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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 11:03



热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 06:22

  One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
  Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.
  Quit!don't quit! Noodles!don't noodles! You are too concerned with at once and what will be .Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift: That's why we call it----the Present.
  Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it’s called the present (the gift)
  There are no accidents
  but there are things we can control
  I can control when the fruit will fall
  ... And I can control
  What time to seed
  7.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果 或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。
  Yes, but no matter what you do,
  That seed will grow to be a peach tree
  You may wish for an Apple or an orange
  But you will get a peach
  But peache can not defeate Tai Lung
  乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
  Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .
  you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.
  师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。
  Why didn’t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you
  but you stayed
  Yes ,I stayed .
  I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head
  or said I smelled ,it hurts.
  But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .
  I stayed ,because I thought ..
  If anyone could change me ,
  could make me not me ,
  it was you
  the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
  9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。
  I'm sorry things didn’t work out …
  It’s just what it’s meant to be
  Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.
  We are Noodle folk
  Broth runs deep through our veins
  The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.
  To make something special ,you just have to believe it’s special.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 06:23

What you get…he can nothing but I can stand right here..
Pick on my friends?
Get ready to feel the thunder~
Look at my crazy feet, what will you do about my crazy feet!
Come on ~I’m blured I’m blured…you’ve never seen bear’s style~
He’s only seen playing mantis or monkey style~and snake’s snake~

Why didn’ you hit it!
Oh…All right~all right~
One try again~a little harder~

How’s that?

That hurts…
This will be easier than I thought~

My tenders…

How did it that I do~
There’s now a level zero~

There’s no words…
No denying that…
I don’t understand what master wugui was thinking…
The Poor guy just gets himself killed
He is so mighty…the dragon warrior~
Fell out of the sky and full of fire
When he walks, the very gorge shades…
One would think that master wugui would choose someone who actually know kungfu…
Yeh..Or could at least touch his toes…or even see his toes


Hey..hi… you’re up…
I’m now…
I was just…someday……my kungfu staff …work, you might think so…

I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day…so…yeh…i…should troubly get to sleep now
Yehyehyeh…of course…
Ok thanks

It’just how I essencially be a fan…
You’re totally amazing at the bank of weeping river~
I remembered thousands of ones…you didn’t stop
Oh… sorry about that…
Look!You don’t belong here.

I know…I know… you’re right…

I don’t have…it’s just a my whole-life dream…
Nono…I mean…you don’t belong…here! I mean, in this room…this is my room
Crane’s property.

Oh~ok~right, right
So..yeh…you want to get to sleep?!
I won’t pick you up~we get things tomorrow!
You’re awesome…Last thing I want to say, ok byebye

What was that?
I didn’t say anything~
Ok~all right~good night~sleep well~
It seemed a little awkward…

Master tigeress! Did’t I wake you!? Just…
You don’t belong here…
Yeh..yeh…of course, this is your room…
I mean you don’t belong in the jade palace…
You’re disgraced kungfu…If you have any respect for who we are and what we do,you …will be gone by morning~

Big fan~~~

I see you have found the secret peach tree of heaven that I knew was then
Is that was this is…I was so sorry…
I just Take it as a regular peach…tree…

I understand, you eat when you’re upset.
Upset? I’m not up set!whywhywhy makes me upset…
So why are you upset?

I probably sucked to anyone in the history of kungfu.in the history of china, and in the history of sucking…
Probably…in the five…man you should see they totally hate me…
How can shifu overturn me into the dragon warrior?
I’m…not like The five, I’ve got no claws, no wings, no venom…
Even mantis has those…things…
Maybe just I should just quit and go back to make my noodles.
Quit, don’t quit, noodles, don’t noodles.
You’re too concerned with outside world and what will be,
There is a saying ,Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery,
But today is a gift ,That is why it’s called the present (the gift)

What’s happening?!

Tailang is free! I must want… shifu.
Go anywhere!
We get up!
He comes this way!
He won’t get far~housecarl!

We dead…so…very very dead…
Not yet! Throw!

Get me run now…
I’m glad shifu sent you…
I was beginning thinking I’ve beenrotten…
Fly back and tell them the real dragon warrior was coming home!

Good morning,master~
Panda!panda! wake up!
…he’s quit!
What do we do now, master? With the panda gone, who will be the dragon warrior?
All we can do is the training and trust in time, the true dragon
Warrior will be revealed.

What are you doing here!
Ha! Hi! Good morning, master!
I thought I’ve warmed up a little~

He’s stuck~
Stuck?no~why I’ve stuck~
No…this is…yeh…I’m stuck.
Help him~oh,dear~
Maybe unfit…one, two…

Thank you!
Don’t mention it.
No..really…I appreciate it…
You actually thought you can learn to do a thwart split in one night?
It takes years to develope one’s flexibility, and years longer…to apply it compatibly

Put that down!
The only thing we collect here are blooding ankles and broken bones!

Let’s get started!

Are you ready?
I was born ready~
I’m sorry, brother. but I got you said you were ready.

That was awesome!
Let’s go again~

I’ve been taken it easy on you, panda, but…no more, your next opponent will be me.

Right, yeh…let’s go!
Step forth~

To find Victory is to find Your opponent’s weakness And make him suffer from… to take his strength and use it to beat him…
Until he’s failing…or quits..
But a real warrior will never quit, don’t worry, master!
I’ll never never quit!

If he’s smart, he want come back up steps..
But he will?
He’s not going to quit easy~
He’s going to bounce turn and up…

I firs think your acupuncture would make me feel better!
Trust me~it will,it’s just not easy for finding the nerve point under
All this…

I was going to say fur…
Sure you are…

Who might judge a warrior based on this size…
I mean…Look at here…come over here…
Maybe you should take a look at this, again?

I know master shifu is trying to inspire me at all…
But I didn’t know any there , I think he’s trying to get rid of me…

I know he can seem a little heartless…
But You know he was not always like that…

According to legend, there was once a time when master actually used to smile.
But that was before…
Before what?

Before tailing..
Yeh…we are… not really spoke…talked about him~

Welll~If he’s going to stay here, he should know~

Guys~guys~I know about tailang~he was a student~
The first ever master thousands of scrolls of kungfu
And then he turned bad…and in jail

He wasn’t just a student
Shifu found him as a cub, and he raised him as a son…and when the boy
Show talent in kungfu…shifu trained him…he believed in him, he told
Him he was destiny for greatness,it was never enough for tailing, he wanted
The dragon scroll, but wugui saw darkness in his heart and refused

Outraged tailing laid waste to the valley, he tried to take the scroll by force
And shifu had to destroye what he created, but how could he…

Shifu loved tailang he had never liked anyone before..or since…
And now he has the chance to make things right, to train the true
Dragon warrior…
And he stuck with you…a big, fat panda…who treats it like a joke…

Oh!that exsists!
Wait! i…i’ve accidentally just treated its facial nerve!
I may…may also…subject her…

Inner peace…inner peace…iner…in…in..inner peace…
Whoever is making that cracking sound….quiet down

I could know some good news right now~

i…I have a…
it’s a very bad news

there’s just news…there’s no good…ok
master…master, your vision,your vision was right…
tailing has broken out of the prison, and he’s on this way!
That is bad news!

If you do not believe that the dragon warrior can stop him…
The…panda?master!that panda is not the dragon warrior!
He wasn’t even meant to be here!he was an accident!
There are no accidents…
Yes…I know…you’ve said that already…twice…
Welll…there was no accident…either…twice

My old friend…the panda will not fulfill his destiny, nor you…yours…
Until you let go off the illusion of control…
Yes…look at this tree, shifu…I can not make it blossom
When it suits me nor make it bear fruit before its time.

But there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall.
I can control where the plant to seed…
That is no illusion, master.
Oh…yes…but no matter what you do…that seed will grow to be a
Peach tree…
you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.
But peach can not defeat tailang…
Maybe it can…if you’re willing to guide it, to nurture it,to belive in it…
But how…how! I need your help, master~
No…you just need to believe…promise me shifu…
Promise me you will believe…
i…I will…try…
my time has come…you must continue your journey without me…
what what…what you…
master…you can’t leave me…

you must…believe..

You may be a wolf…
You may be the scariest fan in province~
But there allows a tipper…
So…how did you get out there alive~

I mean…didn’t actually see that…but I thought it in my mind…
Could…in my mind…could read my mind…
You like it~

This is really good…
Ok, come on, you should my dad’s secret ingredient soup..that..
He actually knows the secret ingredient…

What are you talking about ? this is amazing…
You’re really a good cook,
I wish my mouth is enough bigger…

Tigeress, you’ve got to try this…
It is said…a dragon warrior can survive for months’ time on nothing
To do with the single gingkgo leaf and the energy of the universe
I guess my body doesn’t know it’s the dragon warrior yet…
I need more that do…
And …universe juice…

Oh~nothing~master shifu~
You’ll never be the dragon warrior unless you lose 500pounds and
Brush your teeth!
What is that noise you’re making! I heard!i heard it!
Work hard, panda!maybe someday you’ll have ears like mine~
Ears!it’s not working for it?but it’s pretty good~
It’s shifu…
Of coursr is shifu, what is it I’m doing…
Wu…master shifu!

Do you think this is funny! Tailing has escaped from prison!
And you act Like children!
He’s coming for the dragon scroll, and you’re the only one who can stop him!
You get something that sense of humor~
I’m going…stop…then…how serious… I don’t have the..
Master wugui will stop him!
He did it before who will do it again!

Wugui cannot stop him…not any more~
Our only hope is the dragon warrior~
The panda?
Yes! The panda!
Let us stop tailing! This is what you trained us for!
No! it is not your destiny to defeat tailing!
It is his!

Where did he go…?
You can not leave! A real warrior never quits!
Watch me!
Come on, how must I beat tailang!? I can’t even beat you off the stairs.
You’ll beat him because you are the dragon warrior!
You don’t believe that!
You never believe that from the first moment I got here!
You’ve tried to get rid of me~
Yes! I was…
But now I ask you to trust in your master!
As I’ve come to trust in mine…
You’re not my master~and I’m not the dragon warrior~
Then Why didn’t you quit!
You know I was trying to get rid of you, and you stayed…
Yeh…I stayed…
I stayed because every time you threw a brick on my head or…said I
Smells…it hurts…
But it could never hurt me more than I did every day in my life just being me…
I stayed…because I thought, if anyone could change me, could make me…
Not me…it was you!
The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China!
But I can change you!
I can turn you into the dragon warrior!
And I will!
Oh…mind…tailing is on this way here right now!
And even it takes one hundred years to get here…
How can you…could change this! Into the dragon warrior!ah???
I don’t know!
I don’t know…
It’s what I thought…

This is what you trained me for…
Don’t try to stop me~
We’ll not try to stop you!

We’re coming with you!

I eat when I’m upset! Ok?
Oh, no need to explain…
I just told you monkey, he hides cookies on the top shelf

Don’t tell monkey…
Look at you!
Yeh…I know…I disgust you…
No..no…I mean…
How did you get up there!?
I don’t know..i just…
I don’t know…I just get cookies!
And yet you are ten feet off the ground and have done a perfect stand~
This is just…accident…

There are no accidents! Come with me~
I know you’ve trained me to be optimistic of kungfu…
But could you at least tell me where we are going…

You…Drag me…fall the way out here, for a bath?
Panda, we do not wash our pits in the pool sacred tears…
The pool was…?
This is where wugui unravel the mysterys of harmony focus,
This is the birthplace of kungfu…

Do you want to learn kungfu?
Then I am your master…
Ok…Don’t cry…
When you focus on kungfu…when you concentrate…
You sink…But that is perhaps my fault,
I can not train you the way I’ve trained the five…
I now see that the way to get through you is this..
Oh…great because I’m hungry..
Good, when you’ve trained you may eat…
Let’s begin…

After you, panda…
Just like that…no setups..nonono…no ten-mile hike?
I vow to train you and you have been trained…
You’re free…to eat~

I said you’re free to eat~have a mpline~
You are free…to eat!
Am I ?!
Are you!?

I’m not hungry~

Cut it~!
Where is the dragon warrior~
How do you know you are not looking at her~
You think I’m a fool~?
I know you’re not the dragon warrior~not of you!
I heard how he fell out of the sky in the boom of a fire~
He is a warrior, unlike anything in the world you’ve ever seen…

So…that is his name~paul~
Finally~a worthy opponent~the battle will be legendary~

We’ve got this! Help her~!


Shifu taught you well~but he didn’t teach you everything~

You have done well, panda~
Done well?
Done well? I’ve done awesome!
The mark of the true hero is humility~
But yes~you have done awesome!

Guys! You’re dead?! No~they’re breathing~
They’re sleeping? No…their eyes are open~

We have no match for his nerve tack~
He’s gotten Stronger.
He’s too fast!
I thought we could stop him~
He could have killed you~
Why didn’t he…
So you can come back and strike here into hearts~
But it won’t work
It might…I mean…a little…I’m quite scared~
You can defeat him~panda~
Are you kidding?~

They can’t~They’re five!...masters…I’m just one…me…
But you’ll have the one thing that no one else does~
You really…believe I am ready?
You are…paul…

Be held, the dragon scroll~it is yours~
Wait…what happens when I read it~
No one knows, but legend says you’ll hear a butterfly’s wing beat~
Oh~really?!that’s cool~
Yes..and see light in the deepest cave~
You’ll feel the universe evolutional around you~
Wow~can I punch to rocks? Can i..can I do a quadra-reflet?

Focus, focus!
Read it~paul and fulfill your destiny~
Read it and become the dragon warrior!
It’s impossible to open~
Probably…I’ve Loosen it for you~
Ok here goes~
It’s blank~
Here look!
No..i’m forbidden to look upon~
Blank? I don’t …I don’t understand~
Ok…so wugui was just an old turtle after all~

Ok…so wugui was just a crazy old turtle after all~
No…wugui was wiser than I thought.
Oh…Come on…
Face it~he picked me by accident~
Of course I’m the dragon warrior~
Oh…my kidding~
But who will stop tailang? He’ll destroy everything and everyone~
No~ evacuate the valley~you must protect villagers from tailang’s rage~

What about you master?
I’ll fight him~
I can hold him long enough for everyone to escape~
But shifu…he’ll kill you…
Then I will fine me to pay my mistake~
Listen to me, all of you~
It is time for you to Continue your journey without me.
I’m very proud of being your master~

We’ve got to get them out safely~
Cub little one, let’s find your mama~
Viper~ guide the southern farm~
Mantis~the north~
Crane~ light the way~

Look…it’s the dragon warrior.

Hey, dad.
It’s good to have you back son~
Good to be back…
Let’s go paul~
So for our next shop is time to face it…so our future noodles
Is dice cut vegetables
No longer slices…also I was thinking…
Maybe this time we’ll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in…
Do you like that?
Paul…oh…I’m sorry things didn’t work out~
It…just wasn’t meant to be…

Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits…
We are noodle folk…
Broth Runs deep through our veins…
I don’t know dad…
Sometimes I can’t believe actually I’m your son.

Paul…I think it’s time I told you sth I should have told you a long time ago~

The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup …
Come here…The secret ingredient is…nothing~~~~~~
You heard me?

Nothing~ There is no secret ingredient
Wait wait~ it’s just plain noodle soup?

You don’t add some kind of special source or sth?
Don’t have to…To make sth special, you just have to believe it’s special

There is no secret ingredient~

I have come home, master.
This is no longer your home, and I’m no longer your master~
Oh…yes…You have s new favorite~
So where is this, paul?
Did I scare him off?
This battle is between you and me~
So…that is how it’s going to be…
That is how it must be~

I, locked in jail for 20 years! Because of your weakness!
…not been master’s weakness!
You knew I was the dragon warrior!
You always knew…but when wugui said otherwise…
What did you do?...what did you do!
You are not meant to be the dragon warrior, that was not my fault!
Not your fault?

Who failed heavy strain!
Who force me to train my bones crack…
Who deny me…my destiny!
I was never my decision to make…
It is now…
Give me the scroll…
I’d rather die…
What I ever did! I did to make you proud…!
Tell me how proud you are shifu~~~~~~

Tell me!
Tell me!

i…I have always been proud of you…
from the first moment, I’ve been proud of you…
and it was my pride that blind me…
I loved you too much to see what you’ll becoming…what I was turning you
I’m…I’m sorry…

I don’t want your apology…I want my scroll…
Where is it!?
Dragon warrior has taken the scroll to have crossed China…
Now…You’ll never see that scroll tailang…

Who are you~
Body~I am the dragon warrior.
Him? He’s a panda~
You, panda! What are you going to do big guy~
Sit on me?
Don’t tempt me…now…I’m going to use…this…
You want it? Come, get it~

That scroll is mine!

The scroll is giving him power…
The power of the dragon scroll is…my…
It’s nothing!
It’s ok, I didn’t get it the first time either~
There is no secret ingredient!
It’s just you!
Stop it~ I want to pee…
Don’t don’t…

You…can’t defeat me…
You…you are just a big…fat,panda~
Not a big fat panda~
I’m the big fat panda!
Oh…The wushi finger hold~
Oh, you know this finger hold~
You are blahing…you are blahing…shifu didn’t teach you that…
No…I figure it out…

Look! The dragon warrior~

That’s my boy! The big lovely kungfu warrior is my son!
Thanks dad!
Hey guys!
Master shifu!

Shifushifu are you ok?
Paul! You’re alive~
Or we are both dead?
No master, I didn’t die.
I defeated tailing.
You did?
Wow…it is as wugui…told…
You are the dragon warrior!
You’ve brought peace to this valley!
And…and me…thank you…
Thank you paul…thank you thank you…
No…master! Nonono don’t die shifu please!
I’m not died! You! Idiot!
Ah…dragon warrior…
I’m simply at peace…finally…
Oh…so…I’m…I should stop talking…
If you can…
You get sth to eat?

热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 06:23

.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了放弃,不放弃。做面条,不做面条。你太在乎过去是怎样,将来会怎样了。有句谚语说得好,昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。这就是为什么叫做"现金"了。 昨天是历史了,明天还是未知,但今天是礼物,所以今天才叫present(有“现在”和“礼物”的意思)。 存在即合理 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。
环球黑卡里面有钱吗 收留我歌词 让我们相爱歌词 ...只知道前面的歌词是‘我燃烧了翅膀,你却像风一样,那风铃在摇晃,倾听... 酒店集中隔离期后,为啥还要经过研讨才能出 ...我燃烧了翅膀 你却想风一样 那风铃在摇晃 倾听一种悲伤~~~_百度知... 多吃辣椒对皮肤好吗? 集中隔离到期结束流程是什么 关于时间换算的问题... 从1998年到2024年一共经过了多少年? they can do some kungfu for the party改成一般疑问句 i can dosomekungfu一般疑问句 MyfathersometimesdoessomekungfuonFridays的时态是什么? Icandosomekungfu改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 theycandosomekungfua翻译成中文 I can do some kung fu for the party?(写出问句) l ofte do some kung fu on Sundays,改为一般疑问句怎么改? I can do some kungfu改一般疑问句和否定句? Icandosomekungfu.改为复数句 she do some kung fu 语法有错吗? canyoudosomekungfu错哪里了 Todaywe'lllearnsomeKungfu中文意思是什么? 一道难题,求学霸指点,谢谢 learn kungfu we'll some连成句. we'll.some.kung.fu.today.learn连词成句 we learn some wi'll today kuny fu(.)连词成句? Today we'll learn any koungfu是病句吗? learnsomekungfu什么意思 苹果11微信语音听不到声音? 电视剧《秋蝉》好看吗? 苹果iOS超级签名不会掉签是什么原理?是否真的不会掉签? 谁知道menowa是谁? 转笔的转笔大赛 转笔的转笔组织 2011年转笔世界冠军是谁 转笔世界冠军奖金有多少 世界大赛上玩转转笔谁最历害 ·世界上最牛的转笔高手是谁? 路由器会影响宽带WiFi网速吗,家里装的300m移动? 如何才能戒掉转笔这个习惯? 路由器决定网速吗 淘宝上买的智高转转笔V11世界冠军版附赠的那个彩色的东西是什么? 网上转笔厉害的人有很多。但是都没有留下什么名字。 天天向上有转笔的那一期叫什么名称? 转笔世界杯 2013世界转笔冠军是谁? 家里安装个路由器会影响网速吗? 使用路由器对网速有影响吗 ? 怎么让电脑在放视频时不会自动关闭显示器? 怎么设置surface关闭屏幕旋转屏幕