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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 11:13



热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 00:35


资产支持商业票据 asset-backed commercial paper

减少丧失住房抵押赎回权的发生 to rece foreclosures

《不良资产救助计划》 the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

新奇的金融工具 exotic financial instruments

监管不能解决所有问题 regulation cannot solve everything

房贷支持衍生产品 mortgage-backed derivatives

银行同业流动性 interbank liquidity

防止金融传染 to prevent financial contagion

平行信贷危机 to quell the credit crisis

全面担保所有货币市场共同基金 a blanket guarantee on all money market mutual funds

风险加权资产 risk-weighted assets

通过贴现窗口向美联储借钱 to borrow from the Fed’s discount window

定期证券接待工具 Term Security Lending Facility (TSLF)

全面信贷危机 a full-blown credit crisis

国际掉期与衍生产权协会 International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)

近乎一文不值 almost worthless

困境中的金融机构 struggling financial institutions

富国银行 Well Fargo

同意接受股票作为借贷抵押品 to agree to accept equities as collateral against lending at its discount window

筹集新股本 to raise new equity

隔夜借款的成本 the cost of borrowing money overnight

商业银行业务 commercial banking

汽车消费贷款 auto loans

资本比率 capital ratios

交易伙伴 trading partners

处置资产 to dispose of assets

接管不良资产 to take over troubled assets

做空者 short-sellers

独立投行的模式 the model of independent banks/the independent model

公布做空头寸 to disclose their short positions

降低贷款基准利率27个基点 to cut the benchmark lending rate by 27 basis points

劳埃德银行 Lloyds TSB

哈利法克斯银行 HBOS

扭曲冒险行为 to distort risk taking

扭曲信贷分配 to distort credit allocation

禁止对金融公司股票的卖空行为 to ban the short-selling of the stocks of financial firms

普通和优先股股东 common and preferred shareholders

华尔街五大投行 Wall Street’s “Big Five”

引发道德风险 to create moral hazard

侵蚀其资本金 to erode their capital bases

一级交易商信用工具 Primary Dealers Credit Facility (PDCF)

纽约联邦储备银行 the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

同业拆借利率 the interbank lending rate

美国金融市场剧烈动荡 convulsions in the U.S. financial markets

有序的出售资产 an orderly sale of assets

雷曼*清算 Lehman is forced into liquidation

美联银行 Wachovia

进行必要的尽职调查 to conct the necessary e diligence

对雷曼的风险敞口 exposure to Lehman

美国银行 Bank of America (BoA)

申请破产保护 to file for bankruptcy protection

储贷银行 savings-and-loan bank

注入流动性 to pump in liquidity

信用违约掉期 credit default swaps (CDS)

华盛顿互惠银行 Washington Mutual

调低雷曼的信用等级 to downgrade Lehman’s credit rating

核心资本 core capital

附属资本 supplementary capital

倒闭机构的债权人 creditors of failed institutions

风险调整后的回报 risk-adjusted return

《银行控股公司法案》 the Bank Holding Company Act

信贷风险重新定价 a repricing of credit risk

贷款风险分类 loan risk classification

风险定价 risk pricing

核销不良贷款 to write off non-performing loans

投资者的风险承受意愿 investors’ risk appetite

价值缩水 to fall in value

资本监管 capital regulation

引发系统性危机 to precipitate a systematic crisis

资产负债管理 asset-liability management

金融业监管 financial-instry regulation

信贷资产证券化 securitization of credit assets

并表监管 consolidated supervision

全资子公司 wholly owned subsidiaries

触发大规模的存款挤提 to prompt a massive run on deposits

存款挤提 a run on deposits

银行经营失败 bank failures

银行救助 bank lout

银行业格局 the banking landscape

非银行金融产品 non-bank financial procts

银行业金融机构 banking financial institutions

表外融资 off-balance-sheet financing

非息收入 non-interest income

次级房贷的风险敞口 exposure to subprime mortgages

*注资 government recapitalization

低风险债券 low-risk bonds

金融巨无霸 financial behemoth

大到不能倒 too big to fail

全能银行模式 the universal-banking model

信贷衍生品市场 the credit derivatives market

信用利差收窄 credit spreads narrow

对整体金融稳定构成威胁 to pose a threat to overall financial stability

促进金融稳定 to foster financial stability

维持金融稳定 to maintain financial stability

螺旋式下跌 downward spiral

信心在逐渐衰减 confidence is on the wane

美联储议息会议 the Fed’s rate-setting meeting

基础资产 underlying assets

高端金融产品 sophisticated financial procts

带来系统性风险 to pose systematic risks

化解系统性风险 to mitigate systematic risks

交易对手破产 counterparty failure

信用风险 credit risk

市场风险 market risk

操作性风险 operational risk

声誉风险 reputational risk

交易对手风险 counterparty risk

全球资本市场 the global capital markets

非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions

欧元区利率 eurozone interest rates

银行授信 bank credit lines

欧元区货币市场 eurozone money markets

资产减记 write-downs

房利美 Fannie Mae

房地美 Freddie Mac

联邦存款保险公司 FDIC

伦敦同业拆借利率 LIBOR

“管道”投资工具 conits

央行贴现窗口 a central bank discount window

风险状况 risk profile

流动性危机 a crisis of liquidity

放松货币* a loosening of monetary policy

瑞士信贷 Credit Suisse

市值计价会计方法 mark-to-market accounting

伦敦金融城 the City of London

债权抵押证券 CDO

投资者的恐慌 investor panic

信贷紧缩 the credit crunch

无收入证明贷款 no-doc loans

增加违约风险 to raise default risk


热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 00:35

Economic Crisis 经济危机

热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 00:36

这方面的应该好多,但是最火的一个词是 “救市”---Bailout
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