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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-29 16:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 04:12

Bank of the landlord to find people talking, then go back.
In two days the landlord to loan-to-end, buy, every family has had to go back.
Sato a bank, the wrong child, in case of "short trip to the world that" this guy is not really the time to be on loan Zezheng ah? Would be in trouble!
That is to say, I put the loan at risk ah!
I can not risk their commitment ah, I would like to pass out and blame everyone back together.
How this shift? Who is so stupid ah?
Do not worry, there are trick!
(Of course, to a certain extent, is also made for liquidity needs, out of the net loans, liquidity brought ah.)
How does the loan package?
I made the bank debt.
We know that the bonds have a general
1, compared with an excellent guarantee to do business entities.
2, so to ensure a high level of credibility.
This means that ... ... ah, for example, China Mobile issued bonds with the aim of financing. (I KAO, and out of term finance, said the popular point is to borrow money to operate.) Mobile company that issued your bond buying it? You must buy! Mobile year profit of more than amazing ah, you have to buy his bonds, interest and dividends and more sure ah. ---- This is a good business to do to ensure that the entity. Such bonds are, for example, China has made over the Three Gorges Project bonds, also Finance, you buying? Hey, so good you can not buy the bonds. Are a package of large companies.
There is a high level of credibility as a guarantee, such as treasury bills and bonds are called. Does not directly point to the operating entity, and take this country do not know what the money went, the better you do not need fine control. But you buy a bond that you do not worry ah, the country has the credibility to do to ensure this!

In general, a bond to sell at least two points in line with the above, or have two points. First, a good enterprise projects, and the other is talk about credibility.

In that case, the landlord to "light the world trip," the bank loans to bonds sold to you? This means that more than two points out of it?
The bank will be very packed, and got some financial market experts (Oh! You see the word experts did not know a good thing.) Loan to whitewash.
The landlord to "short line of the world" were not very good credit (Ha ha), less money, perhaps not the repayment. So that the lender called "sub-credit" referred to as "sub-loan"
Financial experts had begun to get. You have to say good operating entity, that's right, ah, our bank over the years how to operate? Drop is to make money! Very good drop! And come up with a lot of historical data to prove that. Although the data will not be false, but he put a hidden danger. Data is hidden, you see, we let the banks of these years, is "the world is short line" that the loan-to-person, but you look at historical data, we do not trip over ah loss (we all forget that a ---- Premise is estimated that the two rooms is deliberately forgotten the premise of what ---- it? Bank loans over the years to make money on the premise that U.S. economic prosperity, low unemployment rate, the hot real estate price rally, interest rates are low . Do not forget, take turns to feng shui, sooner or later, Chu Laihun is to also drop!). Even if he does not repay, I just sold a house to recover the money ah! Good, a very good.
You say that the high level of credibility, a joke, we do not Shashi Hou bank credibility, it is the credibility of the steel steel!
The OK!

What are the financiers do this thing does? There are specialized companies. For example, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac two devil! "Housing loan securitization of the operating agency."

Well, everything is available, we bought Come ah, we issued the bonds.
! ! ! ! ! ! It is called "secondary mortgage loan debt!" ! ! ! ! ! !
Good bond ah, ah, some money.
So fund companies, insurance companies, foreign institutional investors), we have to buy.
Joke, this is the United States issued bonds ah, ah the United States, Niu A, to make sure of.
As a result, the whole world to buy


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 04:12

OMG 这么多 才10分 啊

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 04:13

Bank of the landlord to find people talking, then go back.
In two days the landlord to loan-to-end, buy, every family has had to go back.
Sato a bank, the wrong child, in case of "short trip to the world that" this guy is not really the time to be on loan Zezheng ah? Would be in trouble!
That is to say, I put the loan at risk ah!
I can not risk their commitment ah, I would like to pass out and blame everyone back together.
How this shift? Who is so stupid ah?
Do not worry, there are trick!
I packaged these loans sold, which is about processing, packaging Nongge, good to see something and sell it to other people.
(Of course, to a certain extent, is also made for liquidity needs, out of the net loans, liquidity brought ah.)
How does the loan package?
I made the bank debt.
We know that the bonds have a general
1, compared with an excellent guarantee to do business entities.
2, so to ensure a high level of credibility.
This means that ... ... ah, for example, China Mobile issued bonds with the aim of financing. (I KAO, and out of term finance, said the popular point is to borrow money to operate.) Mobile company that issued your bond buying it? You must buy! Mobile year profit of more than amazing ah, you have to buy his bonds, interest and dividends and more sure ah. ---- This is a good business to do to ensure that the entity. Such bonds are, for example, China has made over the Three Gorges Project bonds, also Finance, you buying? Hey, so good you can not buy the bonds. Are a package of large companies.
There is a high level of credibility as a guarantee, such as treasury bills and bonds are called. Does not directly point to the operating entity, and take this country do not know what the money went, the better you do not need fine control. But you buy a bond that you do not worry ah, the country has the credibility to do to ensure this!

In general, a bond to sell at least two points in line with the above, or have two points. First, a good enterprise projects, and the other is talk about credibility.

In that case, the landlord to "light the world trip," the bank loans to bonds sold to you? This means that more than two points out of it?
The bank will be very packed, and got some financial market experts (Oh! You see the word experts did not know a good thing.) Loan to whitewash.
The landlord to "short line of the world" were not very good credit (Ha ha), less money, perhaps not the repayment. So that the lender called "sub-credit" referred to as "sub-loan"
Financial experts had begun to get. You have to say good operating entity, that's right, ah, our bank over the years how to operate? Drop is to make money! Very good drop! And come up with a lot of historical data to prove that. Although the data will not be false, but he put a hidden danger. Data is hidden, you see, we let the banks of these years, is "the world is short line" that the loan-to-person, but you look at historical data, we do not trip over ah loss (we all forget that a ---- Premise is estimated that the two rooms is deliberately forgotten the premise of what ---- it? Bank loans over the years to make money on the premise that U.S. economic prosperity, low unemployment rate, the hot real estate price rally, interest rates are low . Do not forget, take turns to feng shui, sooner or later, Chu Laihun is to also drop!). Even if he does not repay, I just sold a house to recover the money ah! Good, a very good.
You say that the high level of credibility, a joke, we do not Shashi Hou bank credibility, it is the credibility of the steel steel!
The OK!

What are the financiers do this thing does? There are specialized companies. For example, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac two devil! "Housing loan securitization of the operating agency."

Well, everything is available, we bought Come ah, we issued the bonds.
! ! ! ! ! ! It is called "secondary mortgage loan debt!" ! ! ! ! ! !
Good bond ah, ah, some money.
So fund companies, insurance companies, foreign institutional investors), we have to buy.
Joke, this is the United States issued bonds ah, ah the United States, Niu A, to make sure of.
As a result, the whole world to buy.
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