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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-30 12:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 07:32

1. Email的作文怎么写

TO:International Youth Travel service

FROM:Beijing Foreign Language School

Dear sir or madam,

I'm a teacher from Beijing foreign language school.I and my students want to have a trip on our winter holiday,please warn your colleagues.

We have several teachers and about 1,000 students, so please provide us some big coach buses;secondly, we do not want to go a place too far from our school, so please warn about the place where we will go to.

So, that's our hope.Please reply soon.

[NAME]from Beijing Foreign Languange School

2. 在邮件中写作文的格式



(2)将作 *** 为邮件的附件进行发送。请先将作文输入到电脑word文档中;然后进入自己的邮箱,点击写信,输入老师的邮箱帐号,完善好信的主题及正文,点击主题下面的“添加附件”,在“选择要上载的文件”对话框中逐步打开你电脑硬盘下的文件,找到事先编辑好的作文文件并打开就可成功添加;最后点击“发送”按钮即可将作文邮件以附件的形式发送到你老师的邮箱的。

3. 写英语作文EMAIL形式写给朋友的

Dear XXX,

How are you? It has been a long time since we last wrote to each other.

How are you doing in school? Were there any interesting events?

I have been trying very hard to learn English, but it has not improved much. I heard that your English is good and I would really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on studying English. How can we improve quickly over a short period of time? Also, do you have any shortcuts in learning grammar, gaining vocabulary and improving English speaking skills?

I will be anticipating your reply! Thank you so much!

Yours sincerely,


4. 电子邮件作文英语作文初一

Dear Jane,

I'm writing to you to ask you for help.I'm going to Beijing to have a trip for several days.I hope that you can help me to take care of my pet cat Mimi ring my leaving.She is very lovely and tame.You just need to feed her 3 times a day,she drinks milk and water,she likes to eat fish and vegetables.But she doesn't eat spicy food.Thank you for helping me,and I'll be back this weekend.


5. 帮我写一篇关于E

E-mails and letters are forms of munication, they are both written in languages, both convey messages and information that we wish to convey to the other party concerned. They are fast and convenient. And above , private and confidential.

E-mail is the latest trend of munication, to a certain extend different from letters. One need to have a puter to be able to send e-mail whereas letters are sent by post and payable in the form of stamps. Email is free of charge and the recipient received it instantly, pared to letters which takes a few to arrive. Letters can be sent to anyone , anywhere but e-mail can only be sent to those who has an e-mail address registered with the web.

6. 一篇英语作文 电子邮件 简单明了就行

Thank you very much for your purchase of this book. It has already been delivered and is expected to arrive in a week. It is appreciated that you leave your feedbacks online after receiveing it. It is very kind of you to recand us to your friends if you are contented. There will be new arrivals recently, and you are wele to purchase on selection, which could be done at a diacount.。

7. 写一篇英语作文EMAIL形式的

Dear XXX,

How are you? It has been a long time since we last wrote to each other.

I am planning to go on a vacation soon. Are you staying at San Diego right now? I heard that it is a beautiful place. There are many sight-seeing spots around that area and the sceneries are breathtaking. I would really love to e over ring my holiday. Can you please help to arrange a tour for me so that it would be more convenient when I get there? Thank you so much!

Yours sincerely,


8. 作文邮箱怎么写



我开始申请邮箱了。我到了上找到了申请邮箱,那是一个图标,一点就出来了。那个图画是一个小朋友扶着一个信箱。那图挺好看的,很有想象力。我点了一下。马上出来了一个画面,上面写了叫我们填上用户名,我填了邹小博的拼音,按了确定,上面说对不起有人使用了这个用户名,请选择其它的用户名。我有填写上了s和z右面还是邹小博的拼音,意思就是住在美丽的深圳的邹小博,按了确定就成功了。下面有很多条件,有些要求人们不要用邮件箱发有病毒的和*的邮件……我看完后,按了我同意,因为我不会发那些邮件……下面是填写个人资料的。第一个是填姓名的,也就是填你的尊姓大名,我就填上了邹小博,然后还要填密码,我把密码填上了。密码就不能告诉大家了,要保密。还有好都要填的我不能一一给大家说了……填写完了后按了确定就可以了。顿时画面就出现了一个恭喜的话面了,上面还说用什么东西来干什么的。还有几个山水画,也就是说可以用了。我很高兴做好了。我把这个地址告诉了爸爸是szzouxiaobo@163。爸爸对我说:“我以后每天给你发个邮件。”我咪着眼说:“好呀!我也给你发。”爸爸笑着说:“好。”我听了非常高兴!爸爸说:“我帮你把你的邮箱放到outlookl里。”我回答说:“那好吧!”我把outlook打开了,选好了添加帐号,我们就开始填写了。我填上了我的名字,按下一步。又填上了我的地址,按下一步。后面我不知到应该怎么填写了。我问:“怎么填呀?”爸爸耐心地说:“填pop.163和 *** tp.163就可以了。”我爸爸还说如果是21cn的就写pop.21cn和 *** tp.21cn就可以了。我照着爸爸的方法做,果然成功了。


HPV16阳性就是宫颈癌吗 防静电工作台销售前景怎么样 在深圳,精益管工作台的价格一般是怎么样的? 防静电式PCB周转车有没有按需定做的生产厂? 深圳全百捷公司主要做什么的 深圳哪一个厂家的信誉比较好。 广东防静电工作台哪里的比较好 男人补精吃什么男人补精10大食物 什么是甲骨文认证教育 甲骨文证报考条件 230622是哪里的身份证 美缝剂十大排名榜有哪些 我轻轻地走了,正如我轻轻地来!是那一首诗?求全诗, 《无忧花》的在线观看地址是什么? .太平军的发动起义的地点在哪? 怎么求椭圆的焦点呀 椭圆的焦距怎么算? 普通话考试成绩几级才算过啊 为什么国家压河南热搜 河南一36岁女子自曝升级当奶奶,上了热搜之后,当事人是如何回应的? 照片可以如何打包发送给别人 圣诞树绘画教程 简单好看圣诞树的画法 圣诞树咋画 圣诞树怎么画才好看? 圣诞树怎么画 漂亮 ...上面有白色类似桃心形状的图案,是哪一种植物? 紫色的叶子中有粉色的叶形图案是什么植物 如图是植物的结构层次图,请将图形补充完整 植物用图形怎么表示 阳光帅气好听的男孩名字有哪些 含金量高的10大证书 妈妈鼓励一年级孩子的一句话 怎么解除红包提醒功能 食用淀粉有几种 糟饼文言文善的意思 善初中文言文 邹忌讽齐王纳谏中邹忌的讽谏善在哪里 强险什么意思 男人梦见自己捡到了钱是什么预兆 男人梦见捡钱 请问电脑名词ACF是什麼意思? viovx7手机微信发相片发不出去为什么 漂亮的昆虫有哪些 最可爱的昆虫有哪些? 最帅的昆虫是那种虫子? 我今天刚弄的机子 按个win7怎么模糊 我分辨率最高了 看着都头疼 3米外认不清人,看视力表能看到一些4.6,偶尔能看到4.7请问是多少度近视? 3米看电视模糊多少度 在多远的距离看东西是模糊属于近视