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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-27 21:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:00

扭蛋=Gashapon 转蛋,或扭蛋,是一种源于日本的玩具。一个转蛋的典型内容是一个可以打开成两半的塑胶蛋壳,在里面装有玩具和说明书。 转蛋玩具通常是根据一些流行于日本漫画、电动玩具、动画里面的角色而制成。转蛋会放在一台转蛋机里面,将钱投入机器中后,用手去旋转开关,一个转蛋就会掉下来。大部分转蛋会出成一个系列,每个系列通常会有6到十几种玩具不等。当你去旋转转蛋机时,你无法决定掉下来的玩具是否是那个系列中你最想要的,而这也是许多人觉得玩转蛋的乐趣之一(亦是许多人掉入深渊的开端)。有些人会想要收集整套系列的玩具,但由于常常会转到重复的转蛋,转到缺少的最后一颗转蛋并不容易,因此整套齐全的转蛋如果出卖的话,可以卖到比原价更高的价格。由于转蛋的汰换速度很快,有些收集转蛋的玩家会先将转蛋保留几年之后再卖出,通常也会卖到更高的价格。 转蛋说明书上通常会有整套玩具系列的图片,以及注意事项、版权声明或广告等等。
参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006090202344
Gashapon AND Capsule
扭蛋英文叫Gashapon Gashapon From Wikipedia
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search GashaponGashapon (ガチャポン in katakana - more accurately
also referred to as "trading toy"
is a Japanese onomatopoeia
made up of o sounds: "gacha" for the turning of a crank on a toy vending machine
and "pon" for the sound of the toy capsule dropping into the receptacle. It is used to describe both the machines themselves
and any toy obtained from them. Gashapon machines are similar to the coin-op toy vending machines seen outside of grocery stores and other retailers in the United States. While coin-op vending toys are usually cheap
low-quality procts
sold for a quarter or 50 cents
Japanese Gashapon can cost anywhere from 100 - 500 yen (Equal to $1–$5 US) and are normally a much higher quality proct. They are often constructed from high-grade PVC plastic
and contain more molding detail and carefully painted features. However
these are not simply toys: they are collector's items
with rare ones fetching extremely high prices. Gashapon toys are often based on popular character licenses from Japanese manga
video games
anime and popular icons. These highly detailed toys based on popular culture icons have found a large following among *** s in Japan
and the trend is filtering to the West with other popular culture influences such as anime and manga. It is not at all unmon to see sets based on licenses explicitly for *** s
with figures of naked or near-naked women. 2006-11-05 22:48:48 补充: 转蛋,或扭蛋,是一种源于日本的玩具。一个转蛋的典型内容是一个可以打开成两半的塑胶蛋壳,在里面装有玩具和说明书。
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