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一首女声英文歌,*是tell me.......lose somebody,后面有一句结尾是sa

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-27 19:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 23:29

Singing radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it’s getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up

Call up all our friends
Go hard this weekend

For no damn reason, I don't think we'll ever change
Meet you at the spot, half past ten o'clock

We don't ever stop, and we're never gonna change
Say, won't you say forever stay
If you stay forever hey

We can stay forever young

Singing radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it’s getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up
We'll be running down the street, yelling kiss my...
I’m like yeah whatever, we're saluting like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising my cup
Singing here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up

We live like rock stars
Dance in every bar
This is who we are, I don't think we'll ever change

They say just grow up but they don't know us
We don't give a f..
Forget, we're never gonna change
Say, won't you say forever stay
If you stay forever hey

We can stay forever young

Singing radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it’s getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up
We'll be running down the street, yelling kiss my...
I'm like yeah whatever, we're saluting like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising my cup
Singing here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up
Say, won't you say forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it’s getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up
We'll be running down the street, yelling kiss my...
I'm like yeah whatever, we're saluting like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising my cup
Singing here's to never growing up
Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up

Oh woah oh woah here's to never growing up
Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
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