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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-27 02:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 10:43

Impression On the Film Gua Sha Treatment
"Person in the United States, it is very difficult to blend into local culture." I read in the circle to be optimistic about the film "Gua Sha," after the greatest feeling. With the advance of the screen, the interpretation of the story, an American of Chinese society now ran the family encountered.

After years of hard work, Xu Datong, a Chinese immigrant to the US, has finally achieved success as an outstanding video game designer. With his promising career and loving family, he feels he has become a true American. Datong’s father comes over from China, and uses a traditional Chinese medical technique, called guasha, to treat Datong`s son, Dennis. Unexpectedly, an American doctor thinks the bruises on Dennis` back left by the guasha treatment are signs of child abuse, and the finger is pointed at Datong. The Treatment is a moving portrayal of the enormous gulfs between cultures and their possible repercussion between cultures and their possible repercussions.

The film “Gua Sha-the Treatment” reflects the difference of value and culture views between western society and orient society. China society has been receiving impact of Confucianism for thousands years. Confucianism is known as paying regard to human relationship and ethic. Piety, courtesy and loyalism are most important ethic. But in Western culture which is more emphasis on indivialism, independence and equality. So conflicts in culture and value are unavoidable. These conflicts have shown in the story.

In Chinese culture, physical punishment is commonly used by Chinese family. They think this will help to growing up. But in western society it is absolutely forbidden. Any abusing children was viewed as illegal conct. As to show respect to friends, Da Tong Xu punished his own son physically in front of friends. But this was misinterpreted as violence by his foreign friends. This is a misunderstanding in culture between East and West.

How to avoid the tragedy of the story? We must strengthen the East-West cultural exchange and learning, and only with respect to different cultures and inclusive will it be possible to avoid the culture and values of conflict.
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