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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 13:32



热心网友 时间:2023-05-19 15:00

In this paper, the level of economic growth, the level of the instrial structure, instrial structure and instrial structure changes in the contribution to economic growth in four areas along the southeast coast of the A, B and C in the three provinces of the measure and analysis of instrial structure, with a view from the perspective of the instrial structure of regional economic growth to explain the differences, and from the instrial point of view of the Province A regional economic development of countermeasures and proposals.
英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英

1 international trade is the modern economic exchanges between nations, as an important part, it allows countries from closer economic ties gain benefits, but also requires countries to pay a price accordingly. The price will make its economic exposure in the international economic fluctua...


China's Economy(中国经济)由于文章字数比较多,很少能有中文翻译的,以下内容可以参考:)~~China's economy held the line on growth in 1999, mainly with government assistance, as the economy continues to suffer from the effects of massive, and accelerating, restructuring. The coming year...


3 The new financial structure Liberalised financial markets are very innovative. The last 10 years have seen enormous strides in the development and extension of new forms of securitisation and the growing use of derivatives of all kinds. This is not the place to document these manif...


1. Materials Bureau of Economy and Trade requires are as follows:1.Application of Enterprises' Transfer of Equity 2.Resolution of the Board regarding the transfer of equity of investors (originals signed by every director)3.Agreement of transfer of equity (originals signed by all the ...


全部自己译的。翻译的不好,请指教。我国外贸11月出现2002年3月以来首次负增长。11月份当月,我国进出口总额为1898.9亿美元,同比下降9%;其中出口1149.9亿美元,下降2.2%;进口749亿美元,下降17.9%。In November China's foreign trade occured a first time of negative growth since March, 2002...


1.课程名称 subject/class name 2.学分 credit points 3.期末总评 final grade 4.大学语文 university level Chinese/English/国家的语言 5.体育 physical education 6.会计学 accounting 7.经济学 economics 8.形式逻辑 formal logic 9.学期平均学分绩点 semester GPA (Grade Point Average)


of low profit in manufacturing and processing industry.发挥重要作用:play an important role;take an important role 经济不景气(衰退):depression; recession; sluggish economy 投入使用:go into service; come into play; brought into operation; bring...into operation; come into service....


carry out four functions : first, to serve as insurance, the establishment of universal medical insurance system cover; Secondly, as purchasers of medical services by the costs; Third, as planners or the allocation of resources, inadequacies in the market to play an active role ...


WB world bank 世界银行 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织 IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 太多了 暂时能想出那么多 多积累吧


sanctions and war damage the interests of other countries tend to be counterproductive in practice. These trends in the development of international disputes that handle, adopt more coordination and cooperation, and the way to find more the intersection of the interest. Any accident, seri...

英译中和中译英 英语中比中译英难 好的中译英 在什么中间中译英 中译英有道翻译 中译英 翻译速度 中译英翻译家 中译英在线翻译文字 中译英拍照在线翻译
重本和一本一样吗 永劫无间是第几人称:小说叙事视角分析 名字未定(第三人称双男主 周霖 温宿) 我得了职业病〈轻度苯中毒〉,有职业病诊断证明书.工伤认定期间我没上... ...后来感觉麻烦,就直接去药店买药,他开了很多 这是十年前的功放,求高手看看那几个孔是什么? 车子断保险之后再交是一样的吗 车险断交后再续交 女性查激素六项什么时候检查 有一个素质很低下的室友是一种什么样的体验? 新鲜笋子煮麻辣鱼怎么做 笋子煮麻辣鱼的做法 急!!英文翻译(论文摘要),经济类,有专业词汇和关键词的英文 最近几年出现的新词有哪些?中英文都要,包括网络,*,经济等类的。大家帮帮忙,谢谢了 请翻译几个会计和金融方面的专业词汇 (中译英) 经济学中的 NDP,NI,GDP,GNP,PI,PDI 是什么英文单词? 急求~~经济学术语翻译成英文。。 经济英语高手请进,中译英,词汇(追加悬赏分) 经济类英语中译英的技巧 关于经济英语方面的名词解释(要中英文都有的) 求各种经济类名词英文大写字母简写 谁能列出外贸单证中相关中英文词汇? 一些经济类文字(并非特别专业)的中译英,求精译 求各经济学术语英文缩写含义,比如CPI 在线等待--经济学术语的英文翻译 英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英 常用的经济术语缩写 经济学方面的英文单词 求几个经济学词语的英文! 五行缺三点水和一点金的女孩起什么名字好 求名字 雷姓女生 名字中带有三点水的字 不要太普通 最好出自诗经或有深刻含义的 雷姓女生取名字 要带有一个三点水的字 最好能出自诗经或者有深刻含义的 吃橘子和橙子多了,对身体会不会有害? “诫子书原文”是什么? 《诫子书》全文是什么意思? 诫子书原有的名著是什么 诫子书原文 诫子书 原文及翻译 诫子书字词与全文翻译 诚子书文言文阅读答案 急求诫子书原文 诸葛亮诫子书繁体原文 诚子书 诸葛亮 中,文中有两句话常被人们用作“志当存高远”的右座铭,请写出这两句话。 诸葛亮 诚子书 写诚子书用意是什么? 本文作者就那几个方面进行了论述?这几个方面又是怎样展开论述的? 诸葛亮【诚子书】中常用来说明学习的重要,激励人们刻苦钻研、勤奋读书的名句是 诫子书译文 诫子书的译文 什么是指压 指压按摩是指什么 足浴里边说的“指压”是什么意思? 指压的指是什么意思? 指压按摩是什么意思?