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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-13 03:17



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 17:59

  我为大家介绍美国普林斯顿大学推荐信英文范文,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。   普林斯顿大学推荐信英文范文

  Letters of Recommendation/Committee Letter

  I am a sophomore hoping to apply to medical school starting a year from now (summer after junior year), to go straight into med school after graation. You request that we have 4-6 letters of recommendation submitted to your office by April 13. I read that you forward all recommendations to medical schools. Do these 4-6 recommendations take the place of us having professors send letters directly along with our applications over the summer? Or do I need to ask professors to write two sets of recommendations? My brother informed me that medical schools only want 3 letters of recommendation. So how does HPA forward 4-6 to medical schools? Will admissions committees read them, or does someone assign priority to them?

  Answer: Generally speaking, medical schools require at least 3 letters of recommendation. We collect up to 6 for each applicant in this office, and forward them along with our evaluative letter, which is based on your pre-application interview. The entire packet of material is referred to most often as your "committee letter." We forward these packets to medical schools for you in early August of the year you're applying (2008 for you). Your recommenders do not send letters directly to medical schools, nor should you ask them to do so. All letters come directly from this office. We know which ones to expect as you have cited them on your Form 4 (in the Application Guide you will receive at the mandatory pre-application meeting in December). We cannot know whether the schools read every letter or not. We hope that they do. But in case they don't, we do put the very best letters right behind our evaluative letter, so that your strongest are on top. We limit everyone to 6 letters max, no more; most applicants gather 4-5. The April 13th deadline applied only to this year (2007) but will probably remain sometime around mid-April in future years.

  Additional Recommendation Letters If Wait-listed

  I am wondering about getting more letters of recommendation to augment my application at wait-list schools. At this point, can I just have the writer send the letters directly to the schools or, to save them time, can I take the letter myself and copy and send it to the schools? My PI here at the NIH has written me a letter already, but I may have one of the post-doctoral fellows with whom I work very closely write me another one. I know they would be happy to do so.

  Answer: The letters should still be confidential, so give your recommenders the stamped-addressed envelopes and ask them to send the letter as soon as possible to the schools where you are wait-listed. This is a very good idea. They could also email the letter if their letterhead appears in the email. In that case you could give admission deans’ titles and email addresses to the recommenders to use. Good luck!

  MD/MPH Recommendation Letters

  If I am planning to apply for an MD/MPH joint degree, how should I go about asking for recommendations? Can I ask the same people to discuss their experiences with me with respect to both medicine and public health in one letter? Or do I need to find two different sets of people to write separate recommendations for the MD and MPH?

  Answer: Each MPH program has slightly different requirements concerning letters of recommendation, so it's always best to check directly with the programs you've chosen to destermine what they would prefer. Generally speaking, we would recommend that you obtain separate letters of recommendation for the two programs, MD and MPH. Your committee letter from our office, which contains recommendation letters for medical school that you have asked your recommenders to submit to us, will go to your medical schools. For MPH programs, however, you should gather approximately 3 letters discussing your interest in public health. The people who write your MD and your MPH letters may certainly overlap; you need only ask each to tailor his/her letter to each advanced degree, creating two versions - often the changes needed are very slight. How do the MPH letters get to your schools of public health? The Career Services office on campus has a credentials service that will gather your letters and distribute them to your MPH programs, and it might be a good idea to register for this service if you are applying to many MPH programs. Go to:



  for more information. But if it's only a few schools you've chosen, it may be simple enough to ask your recommenders to send their letters indivially to the programs (supply your recommenders with addressed, stamped envelopes, of course). The sending of your med school letters is taken care of entirely by the HPA office.

  Securing Recommendations from Professors Teaching Large Classes

  I just had a quick question about good sources for recommendations here at Princeton. I am majoring in Econ, which I love. However, since most of the science classes I have taken thus far - as a non-major - are large classes, how would you suggest I go about getting recommendations for med school? Anyway, thank you again for all your help. I truly appreciate it!

  Answer: When the time comes to apply to medical school, we will recommend that you find at least two people in science (preferably people who have taught you, but not always) to write you letters of recommendation. If this seems difficult given the size of the pre-med science courses, our first hope would be that you will continue beyond the med school requirements and take smaller, upper-level science classes ring junior and senior year, where you will get to know your faculty more easily. Non-science majors should continue to take some science throughout their college years. However, if for some reason it is still a concern of yours at the time you're applying, then you should approach the professor or TA in person, ideally after making an appointment (not hectic office hours, if it can be helped). Bring with you a copy of one assignment from the class, just to jog their memory; a resume or informal list of activities, often in the form of your Form 2 from the packet of material that you will complete for our office (which lists your activities); and a rough draft of a statement about why you are pursuing medicine (often this is a draft of the Autobiography that you will write for our office, but not always). Have this material available in a folder and offer it to your recommenders. It's probably much more than they need, but it's better to have too much information about yourself rather than too little. As long as you performed well in their classes and you've provided the recommenders with additional info, there's really nothing to worry about. It is very rare that a professor refuses to write a letter, or writes a poor one, if the student goes to that much trouble.

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