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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-08 01:53



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 14:47

问题一:占多大比例用英语怎么说 To account for a large proportion of
What percentage of your bank's money was tied up in real estate development?
What proportion of senior women would be enough to ensure the talent pipeline ispulled from the top?
What was the percentage of children who were away?
We must try our best, no matter how much it counts.

问题二:A占B的比例用英语怎么说 percentage是百分比,如果只是比例的话我觉得应该用ratio,the ratio of A to B 就是A与B的比例,在你的例句中就是xxx represents the ratio of good nodes that involved in interaction to all the good nodes.

问题三:女人不过性生活好吗? 不好

问题四:占多少比例用英语怎么说 占多少比例How many percentage
How many percentage

问题五:用英语怎么说“在.中占有很大比重” 在.中占有很大比重
account for a great proportion in ....

问题六:占了同样的比例 英语怎样翻译 held the same proportion

问题七:比例用英语怎么说? 比例: [ bǐ lì ]
1. proportion
2. scale

1. 这幅画比例失调。
This painting lacks proportion.

2. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1.

3. 她的头部与身体大小不成比例。
Her head is out of proportion to the size of her body.

4. 进口与出口的比例(入超)令 *** 担忧.
The proportion of imports to exports (ie excess of imports over exports) is worrying the government.

5. 酬金将与工作量成比例.
Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done.

6. 报酬将与工作量成比例, 而不是与花费的时间成比例.
Payment will be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it.

7. 前景中的马画得不成比例.
The figures of the horses in the foreground are out of proportion.

8. 要把前景中的人物画得合比例.
Try to draw the figures in the foreground揣in proportion.

问题八:占多大比例用英语怎么说 To account for a large proportion of
What percentage of your bank's money was tied up in real estate development?
What proportion of senior women would be enough to ensure the talent pipeline ispulled from the top?
What was the percentage of children who were away?
We must try our best, no matter how much it counts.

问题九:占多少比例用英语怎么说 占多少比例How many percentage
How many percentage

问题十:A占B的比例用英语怎么说 percentage是百分比,如果只是比例的话我觉得应该用ratio,the ratio of A to B 就是A与B的比例,在你的例句中就是xxx represents the ratio of good nodes that involved in interaction to all the good nodes.
京珠高速与连霍高速的比较?(各个方面~) 请问在衡阳衡东107国道往京珠高度的交叉路口下车后怎么去武广高铁?有... 衡炎高速公路简介 请新领导吃饭高情商开场白 公司上了黑名单后,注册过的商标还能用吗 ...配 卡其色牛仔裤的话好看么? 如果好看,鞋子应该配什么颜色呢_百度知 ... 我室友很喜欢我该怎么办 cf巨人城废墟第31关怎么打才能刷过去 巨大城废墟31关怎么打? 困难巨人城废墟31关怎么关? 英语比例表达法 土地的用途四大功能 什么叫改变土地的农业用途 啥叫自主招生 简历意向城市怎么写 借考意向城市是什么意思 缺油机开到息火发动机有自我保护装置吗? 农用地用途 土地使用用途分哪几种 空挡踩油门,宝来只能达到4千转,正常吗 波斯电码解密 空挡下发动机转速有保护吗?我的怎么到了4800转就上不去了呢 脉冲信号为何能表示为x[0]δ[n]? 吊机的杠杆原理 网上买的东西,为什么快递到了不通知我呢? X((n))6什么意思 快递几天前到,物流不给提醒 蹉跎了岁月,伤透了情怀。为什么。为什么偏有这样的安排...?_百度知 ... 什么叫蹉跎了岁月,激荡了情怀? 报帖的读音 wz什么意思 ai2.0是什么意思 什么是投资自律? Vbbfhvbc是什么意思 德国的重整保护是不是破产 vbc.exe病毒如何杀掉? 电脑进程出现3000多个vbc.exe进程,请问怎么解决 建筑物地面垫层与找平层的区别? 扁鹊给自己叠五层会有伤害叠加么 王者荣耀扁鹊怎么叠5层印记 德国外部质量保障计划、质量管理系统和最低服务量门槛是什么 王者荣耀扁鹊毒药印记怎么叠 社保卡收入金额和余额 财源茂盛家业旺,富贵平安福满门。这幅对联要怎样配以文字呢,左边是对联... 排干是什么意思水利 四排干是什么意思 梦见河水排干的预兆 杀不死结局是什么 走投无路了,想干一票,有没有志同道合的? 电脑开机后出现BROS怎么办