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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-06 08:03



热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 03:41


School-based curriculum system in the school curriculum is an important part of it with the national curriculum, the local joint composition of the curriculum in schools in the implementation of the "three courses" of the structure. High school geography advocate in the new curriculum courses and the local National Geographic Geography under the premise of open courses, schools rely on local communities and school curriculum resources, the creation of independent development and characteristics of the school, school to meet students of different learning needs of the geography curriculum was said The school-based curriculum for the geography. In this paper, described the school-based curriculum development on the basis of the theory in light of the Yinchuan High School school-based curriculum development of the actual situation, the high school geography curriculum development for a school-based analysis, research.
The full text is divided into six parts: Part I and Part II, expounded the concept of a school-based curriculum, school-based curriculum high school geography and the type of school-based curriculum of theoretical basis. The third part to part V respectively Yinchuan High School as an example, school-based curriculum of high school geography of the necessity and feasibility of high school, school-based curriculum development of the geographical basis and principles of high school geography of the school-based curriculum development process.
School-based curriculum development is not only the future of the talent development needs, but also a new high school geography curriculum reform needs, is to enhance the overall quality of high school geography teacher's needs. Schools and communities can provide rich resources of the school-based curriculum, school management levels of support, geography teachers possess the necessary capability to develop, the indivial needs of students so that high school geography of school-based curriculum development have some viability.
State policies and regulations related to the geographical set up school-based curriculum provides a legal basis, the new high school geography curriculum standards for geographic the effective implementation of school-based curriculum to provide a theoretical basis, rich geographical school-based curriculum resources for the development of geographical school-based curriculum to provide a realistic basis.
High school geography to the development of school-based curriculum, we must adhere to complement each other, according to local conditions and respect for indivial differences of students, activities and innovation and integration of both principle. The establishment of school-based curriculum development team, clear objectives, teacher training, school-based curriculum determine the geographical issues, prepared by the syllabus, let high school students is the choice of school-based curriculum development geographically specific process.
High school geography of school-based curriculum development and implementation of the process of how, how to enhance the effectiveness and practicality course, the key is the evaluation of the curriculum. Follow the development in principle, personalized principle, the principle of diversity, under the premise of the principle of continuity, from school-based curriculum outline for the implementation of the two courses in high school geography of the school-based curriculum for a specific evaluation.

Key words: high school geography; school-based curriculum development; Yinchuan High School

Do not machine translation, thank you

热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 03:42


热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 03:42


热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 03:41


School-based curriculum system in the school curriculum is an important part of it with the national curriculum, the local joint composition of the curriculum in schools in the implementation of the "three courses" of the structure. High school geography advocate in the new curriculum courses and the local National Geographic Geography under the premise of open courses, schools rely on local communities and school curriculum resources, the creation of independent development and characteristics of the school, school to meet students of different learning needs of the geography curriculum was said The school-based curriculum for the geography. In this paper, described the school-based curriculum development on the basis of the theory in light of the Yinchuan High School school-based curriculum development of the actual situation, the high school geography curriculum development for a school-based analysis, research.
The full text is divided into six parts: Part I and Part II, expounded the concept of a school-based curriculum, school-based curriculum high school geography and the type of school-based curriculum of theoretical basis. The third part to part V respectively Yinchuan High School as an example, school-based curriculum of high school geography of the necessity and feasibility of high school, school-based curriculum development of the geographical basis and principles of high school geography of the school-based curriculum development process.
School-based curriculum development is not only the future of the talent development needs, but also a new high school geography curriculum reform needs, is to enhance the overall quality of high school geography teacher's needs. Schools and communities can provide rich resources of the school-based curriculum, school management levels of support, geography teachers possess the necessary capability to develop, the indivial needs of students so that high school geography of school-based curriculum development have some viability.
State policies and regulations related to the geographical set up school-based curriculum provides a legal basis, the new high school geography curriculum standards for geographic the effective implementation of school-based curriculum to provide a theoretical basis, rich geographical school-based curriculum resources for the development of geographical school-based curriculum to provide a realistic basis.
High school geography to the development of school-based curriculum, we must adhere to complement each other, according to local conditions and respect for indivial differences of students, activities and innovation and integration of both principle. The establishment of school-based curriculum development team, clear objectives, teacher training, school-based curriculum determine the geographical issues, prepared by the syllabus, let high school students is the choice of school-based curriculum development geographically specific process.
High school geography of school-based curriculum development and implementation of the process of how, how to enhance the effectiveness and practicality course, the key is the evaluation of the curriculum. Follow the development in principle, personalized principle, the principle of diversity, under the premise of the principle of continuity, from school-based curriculum outline for the implementation of the two courses in high school geography of the school-based curriculum for a specific evaluation.

Key words: high school geography; school-based curriculum development; Yinchuan High School

Do not machine translation, thank you

热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 03:42


热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 03:42

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