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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-05 15:20



热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 15:58

1.对某人感谢 be grateful to sb.
2.一位80岁的老人 an eight-year-old man或者 a man eight years old
3.烧伤腿部 legs get burned
4.让火炉着着 keep the stove burning
5.掉进水中 drop into water
6.当心火 look out the fire
7.某人自己的安全 one's own safety
8.为希望工程筹集物品 raise things for Hope Project
9.帮助邻居逃出火灾 help neighbors escape from the fire

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 15:58

1.对某人感谢 - thanks to
2.一位80岁的老人 - an aged 80 year old
3.烧伤腿部 - burn to the leg
4.让火炉着着 - burning fireplace
5.掉进水中 - enter the water
6.当心火 - beware of fire
7.某人自己的安全 - self precaution
8.为希望工程筹集物品 -fundraising for donation
9.帮助邻居逃出火灾 - help neighbours escape bushfire

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 15:59

1.be grateful to sb
2.an 80-year-old man
3.burn one's leg
4.make the fire on
5.fall into water
6.watch out the fire
7.one's own safety
8.raise money and necessities for Hope Project
9.help neighbors escape from the fire

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 15:59

be thankful/grateful to sb.
an eighty-year-old man
burn one's leg(s)
leave the oven on
fall in/into the water
be careful/aware of (the) fire
sb.'s own safety
collect goods to the Hope-Project
help (the) neighbor(s) out of the fire

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 16:00

1. Gratitude of a person

2. A 80-year-old

3. Leg burns

4. Let the stove in

5. Fall into the water

6. Beware of fire

7. A person's own security

8. Mobilization of items for Project Hope

9. Helping neighbors escape fire
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