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Nemo (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-07 02:30



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 06:28

歌曲名:Nemo (Album Version)

This is me,
for forever... one of the lost ones
The one without a name...
without an honest heart as compass
This is me, for forever...
one without a name
This life′s the last endevaour...
to find the missing lifeline
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I′d give my everything...
My flower withered between the pages two and three
The one scent forever gloom,
gone with my steams
What the dark that sleep with angels call the past for help
Touch me with your love,
and reveal to me my true name
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I′d give my everything...
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
Nemo, my name forever more
Nemo, sailing heart
Nemo, let me go
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I′d give my everything...
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
Nemo, my name forever more


热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 06:28

歌曲名:Nemo (Album Version)

This is me,
for forever... one of the lost ones
The one without a name...
without an honest heart as compass
This is me, for forever...
one without a name
This life′s the last endevaour...
to find the missing lifeline
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I′d give my everything...
My flower withered between the pages two and three
The one scent forever gloom,
gone with my steams
What the dark that sleep with angels call the past for help
Touch me with your love,
and reveal to me my true name
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I′d give my everything...
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
Nemo, my name forever more
Nemo, sailing heart
Nemo, let me go
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I′d give my everything...
Oh how I wish for soothing rain
All I want is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
Nemo, my name forever more

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