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急需要一段翻译,金山、有道等翻译软件翻的 或者在线翻译请绕路,翻得好的加分

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-06 23:38



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 00:27

GX Developer features:

1. Software altogether tonghua

GX Developer to make Q series QnA series, A series, (including motion control (SCPU)), FX series data, can convert GPPQ, GPPA format document. In addition, the choice under the condition of the FX series, still can transform into FXGP (DOS), FXGP in neuroscience (WIN) format document.

2. Use Windows superiority, make operational leap up

Can will Excel, Word artist pertaining to data such as copy, paste, and effective utilization.

3. Program standardization

(1) label programming

Use label programming making PLC program, you won't need to know the number and soft components can be made according to standard procere labeled. Made with label programming program can according to the proceres as actual compiled to use.

(2) function blocks (the following, slightly called FB)

FB order is to enhance the efficiency of the development program for the purpose and the development of a function. When the development order of sequence of program repeated use of block procere loop, make order parts program development easier. In addition, parts, can prevent a.v. applied to other order sequence of program input errors.

(3) macro

As long as in any circuit model with name (macro definition name) login (macro login) to document and then input simple command is to be able to read the loop mode, login change soft components can flexible use.

4. Could simply setting and other sites link

Because the connection object specifies the graphical and built into complex system can also simple setting.

5. To be able to use all sorts of methods and programmable controller CPU connection

(1) through serial communication mouth

(2) via USB

(3) via MELSECNET / 10 (H) computer plug-in boards

(4) MELSECNET (Ⅱ) computer via plug-in boards

(5) computer via CC - Link plug-in boards

(6) computer via Ethernet plug-in boards

(7) computer via CPU plug-in boards

(8) computer via AF plug-in boards

6. Rich commissioning function

(1) because of using a ladder diagram logic test function, can more simple debugging operations.

(2) in help in CPU errors, special relay/special instructions, so for the register online or an error occurs, the program proced wants to know the special relay/special register under the condition of content provides very big convenience.

(3) data errors in proction conditions will display is what reason or displays messages, so data can greatly shorten the time made.
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