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lose courage中文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-07 14:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 20:02

Through all his changing fortunes , he never lost courage

Prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before zeus

Inlge in retreat will only let us lose courage , lost hope , lost future

" but you , be strong and do not lose courage , for there is reward for your work .
代下15 : 7现在你们要刚强、不要手软因你们所行的、必得赏赐。

A pfe of ease but no work , all play but no goal , will cause one to lose courage and determination

It ' s not worthwhile to lost courage and stop fighting just because of prejudice from someone else

Never lose courage , never lose faith . nothing isn this world is impossible when you are determined
勇气不可失,信心不可无,世间没有不能与*的事只怕? ?不肯。

He who loses wealth loses much . he who loses a friend more ; but he who loses courage lose all

He who loses wealth loses much ; he who loses a friends loses more ; but he who loses courage loses all

He who loses wealth loses much ; he who loses a friend loses more ; but he who loses courage loses all

He who loses wealth loses much ; he who loses a friend loses more ; but he who loses courage loses all

He who loses wealth loses much ; he who loses a friend loses more ; but he who loses courage loses all

Hi who loses wealth loses much , he who loses a freind loses more ; but he who loses courage lose all

Now when saul ' s son ish - bosheth heard that abner had died in hebron , he lost courage , and all israel was di *** ayed

Now when ish - bosheth , saul ' s son , heard that abner had died in hebron , he lost courage , and all israel was disturbed
撒下4 : 1扫罗的儿子伊施波设听见押尼珥死在希伯仑、手就发软以色列众人也都惊惶。

Then the trade *** an thought to himself , " if i lose courage now , in the middle of this disastrous situation , my leadership has no meaning
商人心想, “在这种危难时刻,如果我胆小懦弱,还有什么资格当商主呢?

在筋骨堂治疗腰椎间盘突出一个疗程后已有好转,隔了三、四天又疼上了... 美的3⃣️匹柜机空调为什么不制热是什么原因? 小票打印机不出字的原因及解决方法如何解决小票打印机无法打印字的问题... 电脑打单打印机出不了小票超市收银台电脑键盘怎么用 交易房屋如何分类 城市规划用途分类该怎么做 规划用途的分类 ...打火机散件设备公司 值得信赖么 ?是不是《骗子》皮包公司? 希望给予... 哈尔滨农垦太阳神打火机散件厂是否骗人 有没有人知道网上那些打火机加工的广告是不是真是可靠?做打火机反销... Lost my hope.这句话,省去了什么。lost能被动吗 Her legs were broken and she lost hope.中文意思。 失败并不可怕,可怕的是失败之后失去成功的信念(lose hope)翻译急 lose hope of是什么意思 失去希望英语 take power 与 seize power的区别 世界上没有两片相同的叶子用英语怎么说 翻译(拒绝在线翻译):No two people are just the same.Sometimes frie... no two are alike什么意思 keepcalmandbemine是什么意思? 纹身keepcalm什么意思 keep caem 翻译 kecp alm什么意思啊了? 我回来了英文 am coming back 有ing吗 没有是什么意思 I am coming back 花甲是自己在海里挖的,回来时候带了一瓶海水,放在盆里养,第二天... 花甲放了两天还能吃吗 花甲用什么泡快速去沙 bebusywith的意思是什么 四个表示花费的单词spend,take,pay,cost,分别有什么不同的用法呢?_百... spend over 10 before 12/22 1 pm PST and get free shipping and garent... problem arising from为什么用主动式? 这句话中arise from为何是ing不是ed minute是什么意思min是什么意思 a minute's time是什么时态 day,hour,time,minute这些单词是一类的吗? ...里长黑色小毛一样的东西,挤一下能挤出白色的东西(不像是青春痘)有... 鼻子上长了个脓包,挤掉后留下了个凸起疤痕,有小孔,能挤出像粉刺一样的... ...最后我一挤就出来了一个白色的东西,但是好几天都是红的下不去,昨 ... 鼻子上涨了了包挤破了一堆白色的东西像是火疖子 涂了红霉素 里面还出透 ... threemore和morethree ...时间长了会红,挤出来是白色的,是什么啊?怎么办???长在肉_百度... out went away another more与数字加more是什么意思 thedaywentaway是什么意思 Only three more months to go是什么意思 the day you went away的中文意思加英文歌词? 介词for whom, to whom, for which有什么区别? for whose who do. 什么意思? toprepare 淄博钢材市场哪个最大