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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-11 02:31



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 11:39

It's a good idea to do physical exercise every day.
She is afraid to sleep alone in the bedroom.
In fact, he lives in the estern of China.
Beddy works as hard as Linda.
My hometown is famous for apples.
He practises everyday so that he can achieve a good goal in the competition.
This story took place in the 1950s.
What can we do for those animals in danger?
I took a book out of the bag to read.
Is his home close to the school?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 11:39

It's a good idea to exercise every day.

She is afraid to sleep in the bedroom by herself.

In fact,he lives in the east of China.

Betty works as carefully as Linda.

My hometown is famous for apples.

He keeps practicing every day so that he can win in the competition.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 11:40

It's a good idea to exercise everyday.

She is afraid to sleep alone in the bedroom.

In fact, he lives in the eastern of China.

Betty works as hard as Linda.

My hometown is famous for apples.

He exercises everyday so that he can get good grades in the competition.

This story took place In the 1950's.

What can we do for the animals in danger?

I took a book out of my schoolbag to read.

Is his home close to the school?


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 11:40

1.it's a good idea to exercise everyday
2. she is afraid to sleep alone in the bedroom
3. in fact he lives in the east of china
4. beidi works as hard as linda
5. my home town is famous for apple
6. he practice everyday so that he can have a good result on the match
7. this story take place in the 1950S
8. what can we do to those animals in danger
9. i take a book out of my package to read
10. is his home close to the school

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 11:41

It's a good idea to have an exercise everyday.

She is afraid of sleeping in the room by herself.

In fact, he lives in the south of China

Beity work hard as Lina.does.

My hometown is famous for apples.

He practices everyday in order to get a great achievement.

The story took place at the age of 20c-50c.

What can we do for the animals in danger.

I take a book out of my bag and read.

Is his home close to school?


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