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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:47

Dear Sir:
My name is Li Hua.I'm an English teacher but i'v got no job now.I have heard about that this secondary school need an English teacher.In fact,I have a long time at teaching English,so I got a lot of experience in English.After thinking about my capability of teaching English,I wrote this little to tell you it's better to employ me than not.After all,it's up to your decision,sir.
Yours truely,Li Hua.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:47

Good afternoon, students.Now I'm going to read a notice. At 4 pm Thursday this week, there will held a English corner at school park.At that time, five American students who study in the Beijing Normal University are going to join us. And one of them named Tina will tell us something about the life-style and American school ecation in America.And after that, it's free talk.Everyone can talk about school life, language learning and so on with them.Hope you can join them.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:48

How are you?At the beainning of this term I will go to a new school. But my English is not good, but I have no courage to communicate with others. Having first and teacher talk, always say. I know that my this kind of situation, if you go to a new school books, is not! So I want you to think of a way to help me, I should be how to overcome these problems.。
with best wishes
Liu hua

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 22:48

Dear Wu Dong
How are you?At the beainning of this term I will go to a new school. But my English is not good, but I have no courage to communicate with others. Having first and teacher talk, always say. I know that my this kind of situation, if you go to a new school books, is not! So I want you to think of a way to help me, I should be how to overcome these problems.。
with best wishes
Liu hua
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