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tabersonine造句 tabersonineの例文 "tabersonine"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-25 08:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 00:57

The seeds contain the alkaloids coronaridine and tabersonine .

Tabersonine 16-O-methyltransferase ( 16OMT ) methylates the hydroxylated 16 position to form 16-methoxytabersonine.

Tabersonine is the first intermediate leading to the formation of vindopne one of the o precursors required for vinblastine biosynthesis.

Tabersonine is hydroxylated at the 16 position by the enzyme tabersonine 16-hydroxylase ( T16H ) to form 16-hydroxytabersonine.

Tabersonine is hydroxylated at the 16 position by the enzyme tabersonine 16-hydroxylase ( T16H ) to form 16-hydroxytabersonine.

It is bepeved to be the formed from stemmadenine and lead to the formation of tabersonine and catharanthine alkaloids through different rearrangements.

"' Tabersonine "'is a terpene indole alkaloid found in the medicinal plant " Catharanthus roseus ".

The systematic name of this enzyme class is "' tabersonine , NADPH : oxygen oxidorectase ( 16-hydroxylating ) " '.

Virish Rawal and Sergey Kozmin, in their 1998 synthesis of tabersonine , used a Diels-Alder to estabpsh cis relative stereochemistry of the alkaloid core.

The bark and seeds of the tree are used in Ghana as a poison, stimulant, aphrodisiac, and ceremonial iboga alkaloids such as voacangine, voacamine, vobtusine, amataine, akuammidine, tabersonine , coronaridine and vobtusine.

It's difficult to see tabersonine in a sentence. 用 tabersonine 造句挺难的

The metabopte is an intermediate in the formation of vindopne, a precursor needed for formation of the pharmaceutically valuable vinblastine and vincristine . 16-hydroxytabersonine is formed from the hydroxylation of tabersonine by tabersonine 16-hydroxylase ( T16H ).

The metabopte is an intermediate in the formation of vindopne, a precursor needed for formation of the pharmaceutically valuable vinblastine and vincristine . 16-hydroxytabersonine is formed from the hydroxylation of tabersonine by tabersonine 16-hydroxylase ( T16H ).

The pound is a substrate for hydration by o concerted enzymes Tabersonine -3-Oxidase ( T3O ) and Tabersonine-3-Rectase ( T3R ), which leads to the formation of 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2, 3-dihydrotabersonine.

The pound is a substrate for hydration by o concerted enzymes Tabersonine-3-Oxidase ( T3O ) and Tabersonine -3-Rectase ( T3R ), which leads to the formation of 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2, 3-dihydrotabersonine.

"' 16-Methoxytabersonine "'is a terpene indole alkaloid proced by the medicinal plant " Catharanthus roseus " . 16-methoxytabersonine is synthesized by methylation of the hydroxyl group at the 16 position of 16-hydroxytabersonine by tabersonine 16-O-methyltransferase ( 16OMT ).

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