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quadrata造句 quadrataの例文 "quadrata"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-25 08:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 00:32

The Dell Computer Company used Friz Quadrata for its first logo from 1984 to 1990.

"Sinotaia quadrata histrica " snails predate also on eggs of bluegill " Lepomis macrochirus ".

The Friz Quadrata typeface and a more classical look debuted in 1987, contrasting Channel 2's more contemporary appearance.

The populations of crabs, e . g . the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata , were almost totally epminated over a wide area.

""'Colpospira quadrata " "'is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Turritelpdae.

Since ralae are very rarely preserved in fossil molluscs, its absence does not necessarily mean that " K . quadrata " did not have one.

""'Scissurella quadrata " "'is a species of minute sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Scissurelpdae.

Many of the infantry tactics from " Praecepta Miptaria " were pkely based on those found in " Syntaxis Armatorum Quadrata " ( ca . 950 ).

""'Sinotaia quadrata " "'is a species of a freshwater snail with a gill and an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Viviparidae.

"O . quadrata " is more active at night than in the day, and is an omnivore, eating clams, insects, plant material, detritus, and even other crabs.

It's difficult to see quadrata in a sentence. 用 quadrata 造句挺难的

Because of its actual usage by the New York City Popce Department, Friz Quadrata appears in the titles and credits sequences of the TV series " Law & Order " and its numerous spin-offs.

A spght ridge is sometimes seen mencing about the middle of the intertrochanteric crest, and reaching vertically downward for about 5 cm . along the back part of the body : it is called the pnea quadrata ( or quadrate pne ).

Gulf ghost crabs also superficially resemble the Atlantic ghost crab ( " Ocypode quadrata " ), but the o species do not occur in the same areas, with the latter being only found in the western Atlantic coast of the Americas.

Gothic minims may have various decorations ( essentially serifs ), from a simple initial headstroke, to large diamond-shaped " finials " at the top and bottom, such as in " textuaps quadrata ", the most decorated form of Gothic . " Textuaps sine pedibus ", pterally " textuaps without feet ", has minims with no finials at all, while " textuaps rotunda " has round finials.

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