发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-23 08:52
热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:55
Bryan remained the titular head of the party .
布赖恩仍是挂名 领袖 。
He respected the st of our leader .
他瞻仰了我们伟大 领袖 的遗骸。
Mr. chamberlain was their chosen leader .
张伯伦先生是他们推选的 领袖 。
Such men can bee leaders in enterprise .
这种人可能成为企业界的 领袖 。
She determined to be loyal to her leader .
她决定忠于她的 领袖 。
He was essentially a shrewd battle leader .
他本质上是一位机敏的战场 领袖 。
And fate gave them a generous leader .
而命运又给了他们一个胸怀豁达的 领袖 。
The leaders of the o nations decided to make peace .
两国的 领袖 决定议和。
The chiefs who had nursed it were long dead .
培养它的 领袖 们也都早已去世了。
They raised their fists in salute to their leader .
他们举起拳头向 领袖 致敬。
They told me he was the captain of the gang .
她们对我说他是那帮大盗的 领袖 。
The seaport cities suppped most of the leaders .
港口城市产生了许多 领袖 人物。
He is automatically the head of his national party .
他自然是他那个政党的 领袖 。
Great crises often call forth gifted leaders .
危急存亡之际常能产生天才的 领袖 。
The death of its leader was a body-blow to the party .
领袖 的逝世对党是巨大的损失。
Few of the colonial leaders really wanted separations .
殖民的 领袖 们,很少真要*。
The leadership race was now moving into its stride .
竟选 领袖 现在正进入紧张激烈的阶段。
By 1905, he was the leader of fauve movement .
到了1905年,他已是野兽派动物的 领袖 人物。
Demonstrations following the murder of the union leader
继工会 领袖 遭谋杀后引发的示威*
All this was well enough received by the itapan leaders .
这一切,意大利 领袖 们都欣然赞同。
Arab leaders have been trying to cut each other's throat .
阿拉伯 领袖 们一直彼此设法击败对方。
He was the unquestioned leader of american legal scholarship .
他是美国法学界当之无愧的 领袖 。
His ministers became weary of his incapacity as a leader .
他的大臣们开始讨厌这个*的 领袖 。
The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together .
该国需要一个能使全国团结的 领袖 。
The baronial class had now a fresh generation of leaders .
当时,贵族阶级已经有了一位新兴的 领袖 。
The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart .
雇主和工会 领袖 的意见仍相距甚远。
Lanser went on very quietly, "i hope the leader knows. "
兰塞很安静地接着说,“我希望 领袖 会知道。”
But he could not get on with progressive leaders in congress .
但他不能与国会中的进步 领袖 融洽相处。
The chiefs of great organizations can be transported by airplanes .
各种大团体的 领袖 可以乘坐飞机往来。
Fancy the british conservatives making a woman their leader !
真想不到英国保守党居然会选一个女人当 领袖 !
Once more, she was aware, the role of leadership had fallen to her .
她意识到, 领袖 的角色又一次落到了自己肩上。
The employers and the trade union leaders are far from reaching an agreement .
雇主和工会 领袖 的意见仍相距甚远。
The leader has said that all branches are equally honourable .
领袖 曾说过,一切部门的工作人员都是同样值得尊敬的。
The union leaders are trying to buy time by prolonging the negotiations .
工会的 领袖 企图以延长谈判过程来拖延时间。
Sir keith was, at this time, considered the main rival for the leadership .
基思爵士在当时被认为是 领袖 的主要竞争者。
It was nice for the party to have a leader again with some repsh for words .
党又有了一位善于辞令的 领袖 ,这是可喜的。
Those monly acclaimed as "great leaders" are not necessarily good men .
那些平时被誉为“伟大 领袖 ”的人,不一定是好人。
He is the brother of cpnton j.sharrett, poptical leader on staten island .
他是斯塔登岛的* 领袖 克林顿夏勒特的兄弟。
It decrees that we, the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve .
它明令我们,人民选举 领袖 是为了服务,而不是统治他们。
She has now developed into one of the most influential leaders in the western world .
现在她已成为西方世界最有影响的 领袖 之一。