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歌词男生baby I get a little bit jealousy 这个应该是刚开头

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-12 20:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:29

Rumors - Adam Lambert Tove Lo
I guess we're in deep
I guess we got higher
You'll never believe
What I heard on the wire
I know it ain't right
It's getting so tired
If we put up a fight
We'll be fueling the fire
Oh cause now all the things that we said and done
Twisted around turned 'em wrong
Feels like all the love is gone
We lost it
We get stuck up inside our heads
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead dead dead
Why do we care about the rumors baby
Yeah why do we care about the rumors baby
Oh cause I don't need to lie to you
You'll never break my heart
Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms
So can you tell me why do we care about the rumors baby
The envy runs deep
The jealousy down low
It's easy to see
But it's harder to let go
We ain't gonna hide we ain't gonna hide
We know what they don't know
A hell of a ride
I swear I'll hold you close
Oh cause now all the things that we said and done
Twisted around turned 'em wrong
Feels like all the love is gone
We lost it
We get stuck up inside our heads
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead dead dead
Why do we care about the rumors baby
Yeah why do we care about the rumors baby
Oh cause I don't need to lie to you
You'll never break my heart
Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms
So can you tell me why do we care about the rumors baby
Try to keep an open heart
Try to just let down your guard
Don't don't care about the rumors babe
Get out of the gossip game
Get out of the haterade
Don't don't care about don't care about
Don't care about the rumors
Don't care about don't care about
Don't care about the rumors
Why do we care about the rumors baby
Yeah why do we care about the rumors baby
Oh cause I don't need to lie to you
You'll never break my heart
Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms
So can you tell me why do we care about the rumors baby

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:29

Rumors - Adam Lambert Tove Lo
I guess we're in deep
I guess we got higher
You'll never believe
What I heard on the wire
I know it ain't right
It's getting so tired
If we put up a fight
We'll be fueling the fire
Oh cause now all the things that we said and done
Twisted around turned 'em wrong
Feels like all the love is gone
We lost it
We get stuck up inside our heads
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead dead dead
Why do we care about the rumors baby
Yeah why do we care about the rumors baby
Oh cause I don't need to lie to you
You'll never break my heart
Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms
So can you tell me why do we care about the rumors baby
The envy runs deep
The jealousy down low
It's easy to see
But it's harder to let go
We ain't gonna hide we ain't gonna hide
We know what they don't know
A hell of a ride
I swear I'll hold you close
Oh cause now all the things that we said and done
Twisted around turned 'em wrong
Feels like all the love is gone
We lost it
We get stuck up inside our heads
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead
Talk shit 'til we're walking dead dead dead
Why do we care about the rumors baby
Yeah why do we care about the rumors baby
Oh cause I don't need to lie to you
You'll never break my heart
Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms
So can you tell me why do we care about the rumors baby
Try to keep an open heart
Try to just let down your guard
Don't don't care about the rumors babe
Get out of the gossip game
Get out of the haterade
Don't don't care about don't care about
Don't care about the rumors
Don't care about don't care about
Don't care about the rumors
Why do we care about the rumors baby
Yeah why do we care about the rumors baby
Oh cause I don't need to lie to you
You'll never break my heart
Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms
So can you tell me why do we care about the rumors baby
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