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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-11 16:18



热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 14:56

Computer accelerated world careful exchange rate. Nowadays, computer is also popular in Chinese. Now almost every family are covered with a computer, but I have no, this is a dream for a mountainous area child, if I have a computer, the problem that the lessons of all don't worry. As long as a computer, a broadband connection, enter "Bai" website, ask questions need to use the keyboard to lay, simply click the mouse, in a few seconds, the answer came out. This is like a dictionary, the books should be much faster. Answer on the computer not only accurately, and is comprehensive, enough to solve the proposed problem. If I have a computer, I know that all the news, information. Look in front of the TV before news always feel and boring, now just sitting in front of the computer, click the mouse gently, any place, any news of interest news one one will display on your computer. These are better than the boring tv. If I have a computer, then to meet friends from afar, and distant relatives chat can be nothing difficult. If you want to make friends in the network, then enter the network chat, talk with people and their own interest. If you want to keep the contact with distant relatives, you can send an email to relatives on the computer. Distant relatives in the instant received your e-mail. This is like the postman trek more faster. The advantage of the computer too much! If I really have a computer, and that nice ah! "Related articles if I have a computer" if I have a computer now families are covered with a computer, only my family has not. If I have a computer problem that wouldn't have to worry about your lessons. As long as a computer, a broadband connection, enter the "search" website, ask questions need to use the keyboard to lay, easily according to... If I had a magic pen if I had a magic paintbrush if one day, I suddenly have... If I had a magic paintbrush, I can draw a plurality of portable computer, to people, let people live a more convenient life. If I have a magic pen, I will be used where it is most needed, because only in this way, I can be forever forever happy. If I have a magic if I had a magic, I will give Wenchuan painted a computer, let children quickly find out the information, enrich their life after class! If I had a magic, I will give the Wenchuan painting books books, let the kids can relax in learning more than! If I had a magic,... If I had a magic that if I had a magic if... If I had a magic fingers, then I will have boundless magic power, can do whatever they want.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 14:57


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