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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-10 17:26



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 19:09

1. 以好老师需要的十个条件为题目的英语作文

What is a good teacher? I don't think there is one answer only to this important question. because agood teacher can be strict ,kind,lively,quiet, amusing or serious. However, there are some things that a good teacher must do .In my opinion, he or she must plan his or her lessons carefully and must explain things clearly ,if not,students will have problems.Also ,it's very important for teachers to have discipline in the class. I think a good teacher should be strict. but he or she also need to be very kind .He or she always return homework quickly. I also like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students. A good teacher should be humorous and he or she can tell jokes when we get bored.A good teacher should be patient and avoid making students feel stupid..Finally, a good teacher needs to like his students and enjoy teaching. (哈,要求是不是太苛刻了点!!!)

2. 成为一名英语教师需要具备什么条件








3. 英语教师应该具备哪些能力


4. 英语作文 一个好老师应有的条件

Mrs Brown is an excellent physics teacher of our school. She is a good-looking woman, with gentle manners and a kind *** ile.

Mrs Brown likes her work very much. She works hard and makes every class perfect. Listening to her talk is an artistic treat indeed. She treats her students as her own children, not only strictly but also kindly. She always shows deep concern for them and makes great efforts to train them into persons of ability. All the students respect her very much.

5. 一个优秀的英语老师应该具备哪些能力


6. 英语教师应该具备什么条件








《中华人民共和国教育法》和《中华人民共和国教师法》明确规定,凡在各级各类学校和其他教育机构中从事教育教学工作的教师,必须具备相应教师资格,没有相应教师资格的人员不能聘为教师。教师资格法定凭证为《教师资格认定申请表》和教师资格证书, 在全国范围内适用。


7. 大一英语作文,一个好老师需具备哪些条件


8. 英语作文,一个好老师需具备哪些条件

What makes a good teacher? Many people, even students attending a teacher training college, think that being a teacher is an easy task. Moreover, our society believes that any person can bee a teacher; But experience has shown that not anybody is capable of being a teacher. There are a lot of personality traits that are required to be a good one. First of all, a good teacher must have the necessary knowledge to teach his subject. Perhaps this item sounds as an obvious one, but there are cases in which students realise that their teacher is incapable of answering their questions. Consequently, a good teacher must brush up his knowledge to be prepared to clarify his student's doubts. Secondly, it is important that a teacher has a well - balanced personality. It is not easy to be in contact with students who differ greatly one from another. A good teacher should respect the different points of view of his students and not di *** iss them. If so, the teacher will encourage his students to play an important part in the class, creating the necessary feedback. Thirdly, the sense of justice, especially while dealing with adolescents, is of prime importance. When a teacher takes a decision, it has to be applied to all the students in the course. Preferences should be avoided, e to the fact that injustice creates a feeling of resentment in the other students in the class. Accordingly, a good teacher has to have recourse to mon sense to give all his students an egalitarian treatment no matter what their colour, thoughts or religious beliefs are. Another feature a teacher should have is to be helpful with his students. Sometimes students go through difficult situations, such as a relative death or their parents divorce, and need some help. A good teacher should listen to his students trying to be caring and supportive with them and advice them if necessary. This will show that the teacher is not a callous person and will help to improve the relationship beeen the teacher and his students. Finally, a good teacher must be demanding with his students. It has been shown that lenient teachers do not gain students' respect. On the contrary, students respect demanding teachers and remember them ever after finishing their studies. If a teacher is demanding, students do not have time on their hands to be unruly, because they have to work the whole class. This is the best way to be respected as a teacher.

9. 好的英语老师,要必备哪几种条件

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