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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-10 17:26



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 19:09

Here are some techniques that will help you learn more effectively.

1) Write an English journal.
2) Read a book.
3) Re-write your class notes every day.
4) Read out all of your grammar exercises.
5) Watch TV and movies, and listen to the radio.
6) Keep a vocabulary notebook in a separate notebook from your class notes.
7) Speak lots of English with your friends, even your friends from the same country!

Remember: the more fun you have with English, the easier it will be to learn. ENJOY English.

How to learn English

1. How to learn LISTENING
Listen to the radio
Watch English TV
Call Automated Answering Machine recordings
Watch movies

2. How to learn SPEAKING and pronunciation
Talk to yourself
Record your own voice
Use the telephone.
Participate in class
Learn common idioms
Understand the sounds that your language doesn't
Recognize that teachers are trained to understand you
Practise minimal pairs
Study word and sentence stress
Practice tongue twisters

3. How to learn READING and vocabulary
Read something every day
Read what interests you.
Read at the appropriate level
Review Who, What, Where, When, Why for each story you read
Always have an English-English dictionary nearby
Think of your English-English dictionary as your life line.
Record vocabulary in a personal dictionary
Keep this notebook separate from other work
Record vocabulary in alphabetical order (an English address book works well because it has letters of the alphabet)
Record the part of speech (sometimes there is more than one)
Write a sample sentence for yourself (don't use the one from the dictionary)
Review your personal dictionary (especially new entries) every night before bed

4. How to learn WRITING and spelling
Keep a diary/journal
Don't always pay attention to grammar. Free-writing can be very useful. It can show you that writing is fun. Have fun with the language.
Write emails in English
Rewrite your local news in English
Learn important spelling rules
Learn commonly misspelled words
Learn common English errors
Get an ESL penpal
Don't be afraid of grammar
Isolate your weak points
Teach grammar points to a friend
Improve your homework skills
Use a pen that you love.
Study in a place where you feel happy and comfortable.
Have a drink and snack handy so that you don't have to get up.
Learn from native English teachers.
Gain access to English culture.
Get a part-time job.
Make native English friends.
Learn business English (TOEIC).
Improve your vocabulary quickly.
Fun with English Ideas
Have an English-only evening once a week. Cook in English (rewrite your recipe in English) or watch English movies.
Write an English love letter. (If your loved one doesn't understand English that's even better!)
Write English limericks. (These are excellent and simple for writing, pronunciation and rhythm practice.)
Rewrite fairytales, jokes or instructions in English.
Go out and pretend you don't understand your native language (try to get by in only English).
Go online and find the lyrics to your favourite English songs and sing along to them (use a search engine).
Learn the words to English national anthems. Sing along when you hear them on TV (sporting events).
Invent an English character for yourself (with job, family, etc). Write this person's biography.
Buy an English board game (like Monopoly or Scrabble).
Play cards in English.
Start up or join an English reading or conversation club.
Talk to yourself in English while you clean or do the dishes.
Go around the house and try to name everything in English (furniture, clothes etc). Look up words you don't know.
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