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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-10 21:59



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 02:31

Differences Between the Ways for Relax
Generally speaking,differnt people have different ways for relax.Take boys and girls for example,some girls like doing shopping in their leisure time.When a girl is free,she'll invite a couple of her good friends to go shopping,buying beautiful clothes and snack. Others prefer to stay at home,doing some reading or gardening.But boys are quite different.In their leisure time, they would rather go out,doing sports or meeting their friends.They don't like staying at home.What's more,some boys are fond of going to the Internet bar to relax themselve completely.
Whatever way they choose for relax,they can all have fun.

中考网权威发布中考英语作文:我最爱的消遣方式(my favorite pastime),更多中考英语作文相关信息请访问中考网。 it goes without saying that work without rest will do harm to health. in other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.there is no doubt that ther...

英语作文:以how do students relax为题.1,列举几种当前中学生参与的娱 ...

1.take a jounery with parents or friends 2.shopping 3.singing with friends 4.reading 5.surfing the internet:chatting via the net, get some information and more from the internet etc.6.video games & online games However, at present, most students prefer to surfing the internet ...


we look forward toa good relaxation. Watching TV can meet our requirements by easing our minds and comforting ourphysical bodies because the pleasant music and pictures can keep'us away from tension and fatigue. Besides, watching...


Some others may want to stay alone to do what he or she like to do !

不同的时期 不同的休闲活为题的英语作文

作文如下:Leisure activities, such as watching televisions, listening to music and travelling, are good for our health.休闲活动,如看电视、听音乐和旅游,对我们的健康有好处。Nowadays, many people work everyday without enough relaxation and leisure activities. It is the unhealthy lifestyle...


it provides the widest education and has the largest audience. Everyone of us, more or less, benefits from watching TV.Indeed, TV has a great influence on people's lives, work and study.看电视的益处首先,观看电视是一种很好的消遣方式。辛辛苦苦工作一天之后,大家都想好好放松一下。

求一篇 英语作文 谢谢·· 题目 大学生远离网络游戏 要求1 一方面 2另...

Personal computer has become a common part of people’s life. And playing PC games on campus always aroused the greatest concern. What impresses us most is the harm of playing PC games on campus. The reasons why PC games are harmful are varied. Among the various reasons,weast ...

消遣对于每个人来说都很必要 怎样消遣 过度消遣带来的弊端 英语作文

society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating.In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together.┏ (^ω^)=☞


合理消费的利与弊的英语作文:Consumption is necessary, it can promote economic development.For some people, consumption brings happiness. However, for others, consumption is troublesome because they think it is a waste of money. The consumption view of the older generation is different ...


首先,看电视是一种很好的消遣方式。经过一天的辛勤工作,我们期待着 好好放松一下。看电视能满足我们的头脑,放松我们的要求我们的安慰 机构,因为令人愉快的音乐和图像能使我们远离紧张和疲劳。 此外,看电视是娱乐性。还有的娱乐方式,多种活动,如体育,表演在世界上,戏剧和电影等。当然,这...

我最爱的消遣方式英语作文 关于消遣的英语作文 有关消遣活动的英语作文 你平常做什么来消遣英语作文 我的消遣时光英语作文 我最喜欢的方式英语作文 我的放松方式英语作文 英语作文放松的方式 我喜欢的放松方式英语作文
做了好乱的梦,求解! ae缺少p1效果是要装什么插件? ...荣耀》中“网络诊断”居然可以测定酒店有无摄像头,这是好事吗? 七叶一枝花花苞里面的红米是什么 q了是什么意思? ...Q就可以,格式也没错,也只几十K,别人发给我都可以,哪里出问题了... 显的么说友Q在微 ?Q上新示怎让在说我空里动间的态不更好博 诺诗兰户外品牌怎么样 新隋唐英雄传张卫健萧妃是刘小庆吗 红尖椒和朝天椒介绍!红尖椒和朝天椒哪个辣? 帮我写篇关于我最喜欢的休闲娱乐方式的英语作文,120字左右,谢啦急求。 惜字的成语惜字的成语是什么 藐视的藐可以组什么词语 藐然的解释 奔驰w203是什么意思 用[括号]的造句 词语造句:用括号造句(约30个) 我的电脑频繁掉线,是怎么回事啊? 栗多心是谁 【宝宝舌头上有溃疡吃什么水果好】宝宝舌头溃疡吃什么水果好 幼儿园运动会口号:亲子有方,运动有益 幼儿园亲子活动口号-活动标语 白龙鳞有什么用? sfc/md到底有没有正统的街机12人街霸? 龙抬头怎么画简单 沥过的米饭还有营养吗 沥过的米饭还有没有营养 3和27的最小公倍数 如何将歌词保存为ksc格式? 他很健壮,就像什么,用比喻的手法 描写男人身材的句子38句 我喜欢什么的英文怎么写作文 帝梵阿玛尼皮带是什么牌子 怎么在excel中多列筛选附和同一条件的不重复数据? 描写动作词语都有 小学语文描写动作的词语 数字人民币累计交易额达1000.4亿,数字人民币与微信支付宝有何区别? 天如穹庐塞云黑胡地寒多胡草百阴山极雪不曾消马潼驼峰作常食指什么动物 怎么删除淘宝开团提醒? 破砚千方五十年是哪首诗。 边塞诗:李白《关山月》原文翻译及赏析 含有精致的四字成语 如何冻结 微信怎么冻结 如何紧急冻结自己的 如何冻结? 火蝠电商电话销售怎么样 做服装的,淘宝店开了半年没啥起色,听说可以找第一秒电商做TP代运营,有人讲讲靠谱吗? 介绍一下杭州淘宝天猫代运营公司排名大致情况?有哪些代运营公司值得推荐? 农商行公司账户码牌收款如何查看100元以下的内容 农商行商户收款银行流水怎么显示的 农商银行收款只显示当日汇总没有明细