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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-10 21:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 03:29

In recent years, tourism becomes more and more popular with Chinese people. People discuss tourist plans with each other, book train and plane seats well ahead of time, lest they should all be booked up. The first reason of this tourist craze should be attributed to the change within people's mind. People like to relax themselves in their holidays. Enjoying oneself froin time to time is replacing the previous belief in continuous hard work. The second reason is the swelling of their wallets, which enables people to afford the tourist expenses . In response to the travelers' need, local authorities try to exploit their own characteristic tourist resources in order to make profit on tourism. As a result, tourism becomea more and more popular. I also enjoy touring, both for relaxation and enrichment of knowledge . I hope we will be provided with more and more scenery spots and interesting holiday resorts .... In recent years, tourism becomes more and more popular with Chinese people. People discuss tourist plans with each other, book train and plane seats well ahead of time, lest they should all be booked up. The first reason of this tourist craze should be attributed to the change within people's mind. People like to relax themselves in their holidays. Enjoying oneself froin time to time is replacing the previous belief in continuous hard work. The second reason is the swelling of their wallets, which enables people to afford the tourist expenses. In response to the travelers' need, local authorities try to exploit their own characteristic tourist resources in order to make profit on tourism. As a result, tourism becomea more and more popular. I also enjoy touring, both for relaxation and enrichment of knowledge. I hope we will be provided

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 03:29


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 03:30




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