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vaccinate with造句 vaccinate withの例文 "vaccinate with"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-10 13:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 08:16

Then both groups were vaccinated with a chickenpox vaccine

Have all the children been vaccinated with typhus

Have all the children been vaccinated with typhus

All the men in the camp have been vaccinated with the smallpox virus

It was reported that the soldiers in the camp were vaccinated with smallpox virus

All children can be vaccinated with the new vaccine except for those with contraindication

Animal safety test manifested that the egg yolk from vaccinated with cdv and cpv hens was safe to mice and rabbits

Immune responses in mice vaccinated with rebinant plasmid pcdna3 containing sag1 and rop1 and sag1 rop1 gene from toxoplasma gondii

Observation on adverse reaction in children after vaccinated with diphtheria-pertusis-tetanus triple vaccine with and without blood cell

It remends that there is no reason to stop vaccinating with the vaccines in question or any other seasonal influenza vaccine, " he said

It's difficult to see vaccinate with in a sentence. 用 vaccinate with 造句挺难的

The 100 % immuno-protection against hcv strain f114, v-jn and v-yc was observed in the experimental piglets that had been vaccinated with hclv strain vaccine by the program above

Conclusions after vaccinated with rabies vaccine, it was possible that some persons might not have the antibody and cellular immunity simultaneously

The immuno-antibody against hcv of healthy piglets, which had been vaccinated with hclv strain vaccine in different period and dose, were detected by ppa-epsa . the results showed that the immuno-protection were acquired by the immunized piglets which had been vaccinated 2 doses at o day or 4 doses at 25 * day firstly and 4 doses at 60 * day secondly

Cea gene was transferred into human dcs, and specific anti-cancer effecs inced by the vaccine was observed . this test is part of my tutor's . hang you-tian has observed the inction of crcinembryonic antigen ( cea )-specific cytotoxic t-lymphocyte responses in vitro when he transfected dcs with pcdna3-cea, and has observed the immunity effects of the dcs ( pcea ) inoculateing against to ct 26 ( hcea + ) loaded in balb / c mice . after vaccination with the cea gene-modified dc, the survival time of the mice vaccinated with ct26 + ( cea + ) ws prolonged more potently than that of the mice vaccinatd with other dcs

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